Its to be expected that the stories were going to be ugly because the game was ugly, but the Des Moines register and the Cyclone writer Peterson outdid himself once again. He has been busy all season long spinning losses by the football team and when he gets the chance to report on something like last night I think he really shot his wad. I think clearly The Register has started to slant to Iowa State probably because it is no longer a state paper and they are focusing attention on a regional basis with Ames in that region. I guess I understand that as newspapers are going by the wayside with the internet. I do think its better reporting to be a bit more objective and less sensational. I think the Cedar Rapids paper does a better job. In any event I thought the reporting by the Register only succeeded in flaming the animosity between the fans and maybe that is their objective?
PS The way Peterson spun the football season I have to believe Iowa State pays part of his salary
PS The way Peterson spun the football season I have to believe Iowa State pays part of his salary