OK4P owes this Board an apology


Active Member
For giving up on the Hawks against NW in this series. This lack of trust in the Captain led him to buy season tickets to NW games. Fitz will no longer dominate Kirk. Out of the next 4 games, the Hawks win at least 2.

Please sell the purple seats and tell the Board you are sorry you bag.
For giving up on the Hawks against NW in this series. This lack of trust in the Captain led him to buy season tickets to NW games. Fitz will no longer dominate Kirk. Out of the next 4 games, the Hawks win at least 2.

Please sell the purple seats and tell the Board you are sorry you bag.

or at least buy us all a beer.
OK4P is always entertaining and interesting so I say keep posting.

Some of his material is gone, however, now that the Hawks have smashed the Purple. That was a big win last night:D
You guys really like that troll? I thought he was funny for about the first 3-5 posts I read of his and then it got old.
No his mother owes us an apology. Can you imagine the fun following NW the rest of the year? I believe you will see record setting performances from here on out. They will most likely continue to do that "disappearing DB trick" that was so successful against Iowa. I've never seen that done so well.

Their offense better figure out ways to keep the ball longer than what they did against Iowa...otherwise someone hangs 60 on them.

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