Ok I figured it out. This ONE non-call cost us the game!


Active Member
Ok so probably not really but, we lost the game ourselves..... Anyway.....

With under a minute to go, Uthoff attempted a shot on the baseline. Aaron White had the rebound initially, and an ISU player knocked it loose...... And ISU ended getting the loose ball. As I was watching the replay it's very clear White got smacked hard on the arm, and that's what made him lose the ball. Watching it in slow motion let me very clearly see the hack on the top of Whites hand. That woulda put White at the line and an 85% per center shooting.

I'm not blaming the loss on the refs..... They didn't help, but that's basketball. Also, not saying we would of won because of the missed call, too much time was left. Just didn't know if anybody else caught that......? It Would have changed the game at that point for sure.

Great game though.... 2 very good teams, the score was pretty much always within 5-8 points which made it nerve racking. Gotta love how we Punched back every time ISU made a run! Probably one of the better games in college basketball lately, also heard Dick Vital during the UNC - Kentucky game say how he was impressed with both teams and he thinks we looked good enough to lock a spot in the field of 64 without a doubt.

Now the long wait for our next game......

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