OK - I admit it, and I'm not ashamed of it.


Well-Known Member
Leaving Kinnick Stadium, my friend remarked that the only way to describe the season was that the ******* was full. Since that is going to get stared out, think Cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation emptying a chemical toilet...

I watched the Minnesota game more out of obligation than want, and copy that for the Insight Bowl.

We certainly could have lost that game. People could accuse of us being more lucky than good that game for sure. But as Jon said, was it more than a win?

Because for me, the win, and in particular the performance of Marcus Coker has me going through significant withdraw. The knowledge that I won't be taking any more trips to Iowa to tailgate all day is beyond infuriating.

Because more than anything... more than the wins and the losses, I never again want to feel what I felt before, during and after the Minnesota game, which was that I honestly did not care.

What an awful feeling. It's good to be back.
I know exactly what you mean. This is the first Iowa bowl game I had no excitement for and the thought of not watching it had crossed my mind. It wasn't just the Iowa football team that "needed this win", IMO the whole fanbase did.
Ditto. I have watched Iowa bowl games before with a sense of dread, but usually the dread was, can we compete with this team (USC) and not, will our team even show up to play.

Very pleasant surprise.
I want to think about it a bit more, but I think this might wind up being one of the five most important Ferentz era wins...I think we won't know that for sure for two or three more years though.

But I think the game and win restored a lot of faith in the program, and it needed it
I attended the bowl game and will continue to. I was confident the real Hawks would show up. We had to clear the dung off the team and we did.
I still cannot forgive the Minny outing. Happy with the bowl win, but this was the least excited I have been for the 23 Iowa bowl games I have been around for. I have not even enjoyed this win as much I have others. I regularly attend bowl games and was relieved when the Dr. recommended no travel because of my knee replacement.
I want to think about it a bit more, but I think this might wind up being one of the five most important Ferentz era wins...I think we won't know that for sure for two or three more years though.

But I think the game and win restored a lot of faith in the program, and it needed it

I'd be really interested in your analysis of that Jon - I hope you do think about it and write about it.
I'd be really interested in your analysis of that Jon - I hope you do think about it and write about it.

Very good chance of me writing that...since I have eight months worth of off season topics to dream up :) Working on a story for mid January right now actually...working ahead!
I hope Tuesday night was Penn State 08.

I am fascinated to hear conjecture about what it would have been if that call doesn't get reversed and they marched to the endzone for a TD.

I am also curious given Jon's sentiments about the moment Norm and Kirk shared if he thinks Norm is back next year. I personally do not, but I am sure he will have a special assignment in the AD. Maybe a co-coordinator alignment?
I wont count Norm out. I think the man needs this off season to get his strength back and focus on that, and that alone.
I want to think about it a bit more, but I think this might wind up being one of the five most important Ferentz era wins...I think we won't know that for sure for two or three more years though.

But I think the game and win restored a lot of faith in the program, and it needed it

Penn State 2008
Penn State 2009
Orange Bowl 2009/10

What are the other two?
I want to think about it a bit more, but I think this might wind up being one of the five most important Ferentz era wins...I think we won't know that for sure for two or three more years though.

But I think the game and win restored a lot of faith in the program, and it needed it

I agree.

I had little, almost no interest in this BOWL game (something I could not imagine feeling about a bowl game Iowa was playing in) other than wanting to see if Iowa showed up.

What really pulled me into the game was Coker's performance. I think Coker, especially his long run for a TD, restored Hawk fans' hearts/interest in next season. Before the bowl game, I had about as much interest in next season as I did in the bowl game.
In no particular order...

1) Michigan State 2000
2) Penn State 2008
3) Orange Bowl 2010
4) Minnesota 2002
5) Michigan 2002
I agree.

I had little, almost no interest in this BOWL game (something I could not imagine feeling about a bowl game Iowa was playing in) other than wanting to see if Iowa showed up.

What really pulled me into the game was Coker's performance. I think Coker, especially his long run for a TD, restored Hawk fans' hearts/interest in next season. Before the bowl game, I had about as much interest in next season as I did in the bowl game.

Coker and Morris are the first two players in a long time that I think we are all thinking can become special players. Think about how long it has been since we've looked at a true freshman so excited for their potential.

Even Wegher I think was being looked at as a solid RB, Coker is about to be crowned - I hope it doesn't ruin him.

I will say this though - based on what he did against Ohio State and Indiana and then last night, he may be a legitimate Heisman candidate in a couple years.
In no particular order...

1) Michigan State 2000
2) Penn State 2008
3) Orange Bowl 2010
4) Minnesota 2002
5) Michigan 2002

I agree, except take off the MN 2002 and put on PSU 2000. That overtime win turned around the last month of what was another pretty miserable season for Kirk's second year and then set the stage for Kirk's first winning season and bowl win in 2001.
There are a lot of special players who have worn and will wear the Hawkeye helmet. I still have a nagging feeling all of the DJK/drug garbage was still an undertow to this season. Nothing concrete, but something didn't feel right.

It's always disappointing when kids make the wrong choices but I was proud of the team that competed in Tempe this week no doubt about it.

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