Ok been stuck


Well-Known Member
in the drivers ed car for the last 9 days. When will the new B10 scheduling take effect? Next season or two years down the road? Loved listening to the omaha espn the zone station today. Husker fans already saying ISU is more of a rivalry then Iowa will be. They are immediately the dean of the conference. I loved one guy called in and asked the host what would happen when they go .500 or lower due to the step up in competition...and they needed to remember they lost to ISU in Lincoln this year. They hung up on him...imagine that. Thanks for the help guys.
in the drivers ed car for the last 9 days. When will the new B10 scheduling take effect? Next season or two years down the road? Loved listening to the omaha espn the zone station today. Husker fans already saying ISU is more of a rivalry then Iowa will be. They are immediately the dean of the conference. I loved one guy called in and asked the host what would happen when they go .500 or lower due to the step up in competition...and they needed to remember they lost to ISU in Lincoln this year. They hung up on him...imagine that. Thanks for the help guys.

I'll assume you passed and can get your license now...just remember that with great power comes great responsibility! Congratulations!
They become a member on July 1st, 2011 and start the sports in the fall of 2011 when school is back in session. So they are on their Big 12 farewell tour next year.