# of wins, revamped


Well-Known Member
I'm going with 7, purdue and nebraska. Purdue is just dreadful, one of the worst teams in the FCS and nebraska probably will have fired Pelini by then.
There is probably some way we win a 3-way tie at 6-2 with MSU and someone else.

What I read is that a three way tie between MSU, Nebby and Iowa would go Iowa's way, as long as Nebby beats MSU...Iowa would have the best record in the division, if they win out( 4-1) vs Nebby at 3-2 and MSU at 3-2...but we do need Nebby and either Mich., Minny or NW to also beat MSU...and Iowa needs to win out...no problem!
That's right 3 or more tied teams takes it to the next set of tie breakers. Take care of business first and win them all, then worry about those details afterwards.
I started the season predicting 6-6, the second "revised prediction" thread, I picked 6-6. So I guess I will just stick with 6-6.
Before the season I said 6-6 and had us beating Northern Illinois.

After ISU, I said we would win 7 games, (2 game swing) based on competition and QB play. I stick with this.
I'm going with 7, purdue and nebraska. Purdue is just dreadful, one of the worst teams in the FCS and nebraska probably will have fired Pelini by then.

I agree that Purdue is dreadful... but are they so bad that they got demoted to DII/FCS?
I am sticking with the 6 wins, and I am still crossing my fingers @Purdue. I had Iowa up to 5 wins at this point but NIU was a win (should of have been), and I thought MSU. I was fooled into thinking Northwestern was going to be awesome this year.