Odds of Iowa clinching West division each week


Well-Known Member
Odds of Iowa winning the west division is now 92%.

Below is the odds of having the division clinched by end of each date

clinched by end of day sat Nov 14 - 0%
(Iowa plays Minn, Wisc has a bye)

clinched by end of day Sat Nov 21. - 73%
(Iowa plays Purdue, Wisc plays NW)

clinched by end of Black Friday Nov 27. - 88%
(Iowa plays Neb)

clinched by end of day Sat Nov28 - 92%
(Wisc plays Minn)

Odds of never winning division - 8%
Which really makes no sense...that coming off a bye week doesn't give an advantage. (1)Able to recuperate from injuries. (2) Concentrate for 2 weeks on opponent.
No one is preventing the team from practicing during the bye. I'd say a loss after a bye week should be blamed on the coaching staff.
Odds of Iowa winning the west division is now 92%.

Below is the odds of having the division clinched by end of each date

clinched by end of day sat Nov 14 - 0%
(Iowa plays Minn, Wisc has a bye)

clinched by end of day Sat Nov 21. - 73%
(Iowa plays Purdue, Wisc plays NW)

clinched by end of Black Friday Nov 27. - 88%
(Iowa plays Neb)

clinched by end of day Sat Nov28 - 92%
(Wisc plays Minn)

Odds of never winning division - 8%

Please tell us how you arrived at these numbers or if you read them somewhere please give us the source.

I understand the 0% for Nov 14th. But how did you get 73% for Nov 21st since the answer also depends on Nov 14th? Iowa is favored by how much on Nov 14th, by 7 or 10?
I'm really hoping that the Hawks can seal the west division at home the next 2 weeks. It will take some of the pressure off for the Nebby game and we can play fast, loose, and confident. I'm guessing Nebby will give Iowa their best shot, just like everyone else has tried. But, if we get to that game 11-0, I think our guys will have laser sharp focus and a ton of momentum.
Purdue is a guaranteed win, beat MN and it's ours.

No Purdue is not a guaranteed win. There are no guaranteed wins in the B1G. Example: Purdue 55 Nebraska 45. Zero guaranteed wins and if our players or coaches look at it the same way, I will say that Purdue would be a guaranteed loss.