Observations from being at Rutgers


Well-Known Member
Nice campus. Well laid out, clean. Traffic control seemed to be OK afterwards.

Stadium was smallish, crowd of 46k+ announced. They boom a cannon at each quarter and after each TD. They also do that bogus thing that NU, Indy and Purdue do...."and that's a Rutgers FIRST DOWN." From the announcer. Ugh. They had several bowl banners hanging, including two Pinstripe bowls (one in which they beat ISU).

Saw lots of Hawks there of course. Some from the Midwest, more (obviously) from the east coast...NYC, Jersey, Conn., Mass., etc. The United flight from O'Hare to Moline today was 90% Hawk fans (wearing Hawk gear).

Rutgers fans were cordial before during and after, and definitely were not expecting much pre-game.

Season ticket holders behind me liked Rutgers in the B1G. Thought it elevated their programs. They kept calling their starting QB LOBiano. Lol...not exactly a fan favorite. Per usual, their favorite player was the back up QB, although he's as frail as Bambi.

Radio announcers thought King was cheap shot-ing and should have been flagged numerous times. Definitely thought the fumble was incomplete and should have been reviewed. They of course didn't mention the bogus below the waist call on Iowa. They also thought every incomplete pass was either LOBiano being a dork, or, pass interference.

All in all a nice trip. Scratch one more off my away stadium list....leaving Nebby and MD.

Go Hawks.
Thanks for the check in.

I drove up to Maryland 2 years ago. Smallish stadium, crazy traffic, Would have been better with a hawkeye win.
Would agree with the OP, we flew into city on Thur night, and had a very enjoyable time and would recommend it to any Iowa fan looking for a fun road game trip.
Wife and I were also at Rutgers game,agree with everything said.Thought it was funny when Hawk fans were buying Rutger sweatshirts because didn't pack warm clothes(60dgrees at kickoff)but warmed up and when you buy a bottle of water they would take the cap off said fans would throw them at each other so they open all bottles of water.A lot of there fans didn't even start coming in until 1st quarter was half way over.

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