

Active Member
Does anyone know if Norm is going to be back with the team this week? Would be great even having him in the press box where I assume he will be for the remainder of the year. We could use his head to help us stop the Badgers which the Buckeyes obviously could not do.
Rumors are swirling on both HR and HI that Norm is back in the hospital. However nobody has confirmed anything. Hopefully it's just that, a rumor.
Not trying to stir anything up. Could this be why KF was getting a bit emotional yesterday? Some on HawkeyeInsider claim it's pretty serious and doesn't sound good.

I hope norm is get better.
Not trying to stir anything up. Could this be why KF was getting a bit emotional yesterday? Some on HawkeyeInsider claim it's pretty serious and doesn't sound good.

I hope norm is get better.

This has been kicked around as well.


This is just rumor so take it for what it is worth.
I really hope this isnt true, im not gonna get worked up about it until something is reported by KF or the university
I hope this is not true but if so, this is a clear cut reason why the coaching staff and Barta need to look at hiring somebody new. Norm is a Defensive God when participating in the game planning and game day coaching but he is no use to the team if he isn't. If he is hospitalized again I think it is time Norm works on enjoying his retirement and Iowa looks elsewhere for defensive coaching.
The rumor is a heart attack,and while I have no idea if that is true at all, I can tell you diabetes poses a serious risk for that, as I lost an uncle to a heart attack who was severely diabetic.

Get well Norm, I'm sure we'll here something this week.
The rumor is a heart attack,and while I have no idea if that is true at all, I can tell you diabetes poses a serious risk for that, as I lost an uncle to a heart attack who was severely diabetic.

Get well Norm, I'm sure we'll here something this week.

I have read this a well. I have a nagging feeling that we will not see Norm again on the staff. I just hope he gets his health in order and can enjoy his golden years.
Didnt hear or see anything when I was at a bunch of the heart treatment areas here at the UIHC, Sundays are really quiet here so if he is here I may not get word for a day or two.

I would take it as rumor for now until we get word from an official source.
I was speaking with a friend late last night who works in the football office. He talked about how they talked to Norm on the phone during Halftime. He made no mention of anything about something happening to him as of last night. When are the implying something happened?
I was in Ann Arbor for the game. Afterwards we waited around for the players to come out. We overheard several of them talking about Norm. Couldn't hear all the details, but it sounds like he is in the hospital and it is serious.

Gotta believe there is something to it. Why else would they be talking about it, right?

Also got the same news (about being in Hosp because of a heart attack) from a friend who works for the U of I. He sent my buddy a text BEFORE kickoff on Saturday.

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