Nominations for new moderators


Well-Known Member
In this thread, I would like people to take the opportunity to volunteer to help JD moderate the board. You can nominate another poster or yourself, but if you nominate yourself or accept a nomination, please include the following information:

1) Brief description of yourself and your contributions to HawkeyeNation

2) How long you have been a Hawkeye fan and some fun facts (e.g., favorite moment, favorite players, etc.)

3) Mission statement as a moderator

4) An explanation of how if you were a moderator, you would enhance the diversity of HawkeyeNation
Just give me a little time...I want to get together a list of all of the posters I have blocked and nominate them.
So is Okeefe the boss or something? Jon can decide for himself. Self promotion crap sounds sickening

Whoa, bud, this job is not like joining the Waukee Jaycees or something. I would like to get JD a list of people who are interested in the job. If someone is too lazy to even answer the four simple questions I have posed, then they are probably not cut out for the rough and rugged world of moderating. I was hoping some volunteers would show up so that The Committee could present suggestions to JD to try to minimize his work in this matter. But we definitely need a mod or two for game threads and the immediate aftermath because crap got out of control at the end of the basketball season.
I'm going to nominate myself...I'm a loyal tavern hok. Went to a small college...not sure why that should prevent me from rooting for a division 1 school but according to my r e t a r d Isu coworkers, i should be ashamed. My contribution to hawkeyenation is smart *** comments.

hawkfan for 34 years...favorite moment:houghtlins kick against Michigan...favorite players: chuck long and bob sanders

Mission statement...I will rid this site of the b as tar d cyclone troll pieces of s h I t who have ruined this site. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones whose post history makes it obvious they are walking around with the mare's co ck in their mouths and ejaculating every time coach roads talks about how proud he is of a 3-9 poop smear of a team.

As far as diversity goes I am as white as can be, so from that angle I probably do not add much...although I am an actual iowa fan so judging from the number of jack wad Isu trolls that I see here, I would even that out.

my campaign slogan wiil be "eat Sh it and die cyclone mother fu ck er s." Thanks for everyone's consideration on this. I will be eagerly awaiting your call mr. Miller.
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I'm going to nominate myself...I'm a loyal tavern hok. Went to a small college...not sure why that should prevent me from rooting for a division 1 school but according to my r e t a r d Isu coworkers, i should be ashamed. My contribution to hawkeyenation is smart *** comments.

hawkfan for 34 years...favorite moment:houghtlins kick against Michigan...favorite players: chuck long and bob sanders

Mission statement...I will rid this site of the b as tar d cyclone troll pieces of s h I t who have ruined this site. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones whose post history makes it obvious they are walking around with the mare's co ck in their mouths and ejaculating every time coach roads talks about how proud he is of a 3-9 poop smear of a team.

As far as diversity goes I am as white as can be, so from that angle I probably do not add much...although I am an actual iowa fan so judging from the number of jack wad Isu trolls that I see here, I would even that out.

my campaign slogan wiil be "eat Sh it and die cyclone mother fu ck er s." Thanks for everyone's consideration on this. I will be eagerly awaiting your call mr. Miller.

This guy gets my vote.
put me down for one as well.........

I appreciate the support guys. And believe me I can't wait to get started. It will be a Stalin like purge.

oddly enough, I have yet to hear from Jon on this. Come on Jon. Give me the green light and we will return this website to it's glorious form from the early 2000's.
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Thanks, Hawkeyerick! You sound like you have the chops to be one helluva moderator and you were smart enough to get around the r-word filter.
I'm going to nominate myself...I'm a loyal tavern hok. Went to a small college...not sure why that should prevent me from rooting for a division 1 school but according to my r e t a r d Isu coworkers, i should be ashamed. My contribution to hawkeyenation is smart *** comments.

hawkfan for 34 years...favorite moment:houghtlins kick against Michigan...favorite players: chuck long and bob sanders

Mission statement...I will rid this site of the b as tar d cyclone troll pieces of s h I t who have ruined this site. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones whose post history makes it obvious they are walking around with the mare's co ck in their mouths and ejaculating every time coach roads talks about how proud he is of a 3-9 poop smear of a team.

As far as diversity goes I am as white as can be, so from that angle I probably do not add much...although I am an actual iowa fan so judging from the number of jack wad Isu trolls that I see here, I would even that out.

my campaign slogan wiil be "eat Sh it and die cyclone mother fu ck er s." Thanks for everyone's consideration on this. I will be eagerly awaiting your call mr. Miller.

How would you feel if your child wanted to attend ISU??

I will like the above comment....that is funny sh*t right there
How would you feel if your child wanted to attend ISU??

"Now I know why tigers eat their young". My four year old knows that isu stands for suckage and would never want to attend there. But if he did I would beat his *** senseless...or at least ridicule him on a daily basis until he changed his mind.
I would make a terrible mod. I'm lazy, I don't visit the board often enough, and I don't give a shit what anyone says. Actually, maybe I'd be perfect.

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