No Offense

If we sign anyone other than Pearl who doesnt sound like he is interested.. NO SHOCK.. i dont see iowa basketball getting any better..It is very depressing to see the list of coaches that are possibilities now considering as much as i watch basketball which is all the time.. i have heard of ONLY 2 or 3 of these clowns...I think we jumped the gun a lil too soon on TODD!!!

can we give him some flowers and a card that says im sorry and bring him back?

maybe a more realistic option is to just cut the program and focus on football
If we sign anyone other than Pearl who doesnt sound like he is interested.. NO SHOCK.. i dont see iowa basketball getting any better..It is very depressing to see the list of coaches that are possibilities now considering as much as i watch basketball which is all the time.. i have heard of ONLY 2 or 3 of these clowns...I think we jumped the gun a lil too soon on TODD!!!

can we give him some flowers and a card that says im sorry and bring him back?

maybe a more realistic option is to just cut the program and focus on football

First - Calm down and wait to see who gets hired

Second - Your obviously a tool

Third - Keeping your boyfriend Todd is the exact thing that would keep this program from going anywhere. Everyone gave up on him, and for good reason..... Losing and boring.

Fourth - No matter who is hired atleast it will be a fresh start. If it is a no name no one will be excited but atleast it will be a fresh start.

Fifth - Just cause the no namers are getting interviewed does not mean that is who we are getting. Barta's guy could still be playing...
The title of your thread pretty much sums up the Lickliter years. Did we average more than 50 points this year?

I think we can make a move in the right direction even if we don't get Pearl.
I think another key point to remember is how Lickliter's name came out of nowhere when it was announced he was hired. Nobody had heard the name at ALL, and then BOOM, he's our coach.

The same thing could very well be happening right now, or could happen next week. It doesn't mean we will hear about it.

Simply speaking, the list candidates is probably not limited to just those we are hearing about.

Who knows, maybe we will all be pleasantly surprised.
Second - Your obviously a tool.

really.. check your english and then reconsider who the tool is..

secondly... the coaches left in the dance are not going to come to iowa.. Espn has Pearl out.. and any of the assistant that we can bring here are not proven... its just to bad we will have to bring in another mid-major coach that wont be able to win at major conference level...

so i hope no one gets overly excited about iowa basketball for the next 10 years... i really hope i eat my words.. but i have lost any and all hope for this program.. i love the kids that are giving their hearts and souls to this school and they deserve better but sadly i dont think they will get it...
The title of your thread pretty much sums up the Lickliter years. Did we average more than 50 points this year?

I think we can make a move in the right direction even if we don't get Pearl.
I don't know about the 50 points a game but, I do know that we scored less then 20 points in the first half 6 times this year :( this point there are a lot of people who can make Iowa basketball "BETTER!" Lick just leaving made it "BETTER" Now getting back to the "Glory" days is another story, but Pearl ain't Jesus on a stick at the state fair..I think the list of coaches that can be successful here is a little broader than just 1 guy. Just because it's not the guy you have a man-crush on does not mean he won't be successful..and to think so is arrogant and stupid... this point there are a lot of people who can make Iowa basketball "BETTER!" Lick just leaving made it "BETTER" Now getting back to the "Glory" days is another story, but Pearl ain't Jesus on a stick at the state fair..I think the list of coaches that can be successful here is a little broader than just 1 guy. Just because it's not the guy you have a man-crush on does not mean he won't be successful..and to think so is arrogant and stupid...

please.. everyone is saying we need a WOW factor out of the next coach in order to make a STATEMENT... you tell me how much of Stew Morrill, Doug Wojcik, or Jim Boylen you heard of before the Iowa search started...

Then there are the Assistants.. Forbes & Dooley... Seriously!!

Steve Drew, Pearl(most likely out) Lavin, or BJ Armstrong would be a WOW hire...
please.. everyone is saying we need a WOW factor out of the next coach in order to make a STATEMENT... you tell me how much of Stew Morrill, Doug Wojcik, or Jim Boylen you heard of before the Iowa search started...

Then there are the Assistants.. Forbes & Dooley... Seriously!!

Steve Drew, Pearl(most likely out) Lavin, or BJ Armstrong would be a WOW hire...

I agree the next coach won't have the "wow" factor like Lick did, I know watching them the last 3 years I kept saying "wow, I can't believe this **** and how bad we have become".
Maybe we should just turn off the lights and lock the doors at Carver until Pearl comes to his senses..take a basketball hiatus..