No Major Violations for Auburn

Good lord, they are every bit as inept as I feared. They are hell on misdemeanors, but can't find a felony if it is handed to them. This ought to really ratchet up the level of cheating in the SEC since it certainly benefited Auburn to do so.
The NCAA really has very little power to investigate in these cases. Just wait a few years and I'm sure yahoosports will come up with the money trail, someone will eventually leak some info on how Auburn paid him.
The NCAA really has very little power to investigate in these cases. Just wait a few years and I'm sure yahoosports will come up with the money trail, someone will eventually leak some info on how Auburn paid him.

It shouldnt matter, NCAA rules state parents, guardians or someone representing a player can not receive benefits or said player would be in violation. He should have been banned from football.
It shouldnt matter, NCAA rules state parents, guardians or someone representing a player can not receive benefits or said player would be in violation. He should have been banned from football.

Do you have evidence to show that Cam or his father received any benefits? Because right now the NCAA doesn't.
The NCAA decision reads as follows:

"According to facts of the case agreed upon by Auburn University and the NCAA enforcement staff, the student-athlete's father and an owner of a scouting service worked together to actively market the student-athlete as a part of a pay-for-play scenario in return for Newton's commitment to attend college and play football. NCAA rules (Bylaw 12.3.3) do not allow individuals or entities to represent a prospective student-athlete for compensation to a school for an athletic scholarship."
The NCAA decision reads as follows:

"According to facts of the case agreed upon by Auburn University and the NCAA enforcement staff, the student-athlete's father and an owner of a scouting service worked together to actively market the student-athlete as a part of a pay-for-play scenario in return for Newton's commitment to attend college and play football. NCAA rules (Bylaw 12.3.3) do not allow individuals or entities to represent a prospective student-athlete for compensation to a school for an athletic scholarship."

That's nothing new though. They had already basically changed the rules for him last year to keep him eligible. Since they had already ruled on that they weren't going to add any additional penalties unless they found new evidence.
That's nothing new though. They had already basically changed the rules for him last year to keep him eligible. Since they had already ruled on that they weren't going to add any additional penalties unless they found new evidence.

A scam is a scam is a scam (ie. 9-9-9) ;)
A scam is a scam is a scam (ie. 9-9-9) ;)

Oh believe me I think he took money too. I'm just saying the NCAA really has no power to pull bank records or anything like that. And unless someone leaked them info (like what happened in the USC and Ohio St cases) there wasn't going to be any further sanctions.

But I really believe that someone who knows how it went down will get screwed over by Auburn or Cam sometime in the next few years and the truth will come out.
Oh believe me I think he took money too. I'm just saying the NCAA really has no power to pull bank records or anything like that. And unless someone leaked them info (like what happened in the USC and Ohio St cases) there wasn't going to be any further sanctions.

But I really believe that someone who knows how it went down will get screwed over by Auburn or Cam sometime in the next few years and the truth will come out.

I agree the NCAA balked at their opportunity last football season, and that decision essentially let Auburn off the hook.
I say we withdraw from the NCAA....they are way too inept...and why people want them to run a college football playoff is beyond

NCAA=2nd most corrupt sports organization on the face of this earth besides FIFA.
This is how I imagine the investigation going.

NCAA: "Have you guys been paying your players or providing any illegal benefits to them, or have any of your alumni been doing the same?

Auburn: "No."

NCAA: "Are you sure?"

Auburn: "Yes."

NCAA: "Reallllllllly Sure?"

Auburn: "Yes."

NCAA: "Are you really really really sure?"

Auburn: "Yes, really."

NCAA: "Okay then, you are free to go. Have fun."

NCAA to press. "After a very thorough and in-depth investigation of the Auburn football program we found no evidence of improper activity and are closing our investigation."
Do you think that the Newton's put the $$$$$ in a bank? I don't think they are that dumb!!!

Even if the Newton's did put the money in a bank, it wouldn't matter. The NCAA has no subpoena power, so they couldn't demand bank records or anything like that. Only Law Enforcement can do that, and it's not a criminal investigation.

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