No-Huddle Offense


Well-Known Member
I saw this tweet from Pat Harty and wanted to see what you all thought. How much no-huddle do you think Iowa will run next year? Is KF finally turning over a new leaf in this regard?

"Damon Bullock said the offense will operate exclusively out of a no-huddle next season. Kirk Ferentz said it won't. I know who I believe."
I saw this tweet from Pat Harty and wanted to see what you all thought. How much no-huddle do you think Iowa will run next year? Is KF finally turning over a new leaf in this regard?

"Damon Bullock said the offense will operate exclusively out of a no-huddle next season. Kirk Ferentz said it won't. I know who I believe."

why would he say that? even if they were, wouldn't you want to keep a tight lid on it?
No huddle. When I see it I will believe it.. To funny, I do find this No-Huddle talk to be comical!! :)

I agree with Meat why the heck would you even say that..
Everytime we run no-huddle it is successful. It looks sharp and efficient. Therefore, do not expect to see it this season.:mad:
If we see more than 20% no huddle I'd be very surprised. Situational use at most.

Whatever is more conducive to getting the QB and WR's on the same page. If that means getting into a huddle then I don't care. I'd rather see them work out of the huddle 80% of the game and have them on the same page than go no huddle and see passes thrown 5-10 yards away from an intended target.
1% chance this happens.
they said this before last season and how much no huddle did Iowa run last season.........exactly
Whatever is more conducive to getting the QB and WR's on the same page. If that means getting into a huddle then I don't care. I'd rather see them work out of the huddle 80% of the game and have them on the same page than go no huddle and see passes thrown 5-10 yards away from an intended target.

We can always use all our timeouts early in the third quarter to get everyone on the same page...we have that down. No need to worry.
I don't think they will go no huddle all the time but you don't spend so much time on something in spring ball to scrap it
I bet we see some of it during the non-conference games but less of it during the rest of the season. Maybe they'll use it in certain situations but I can't see it being used often.
What's the advantage of showing off no-huddle during the spring and then not using it (very much) during the season? From an opposing defense perspective it would seem easier to prepare for no-huddle only to have Iowa not use it.

In other words, if KF's strategy is to throw off our opponents wouldn't it have been smarter to keep the no-huddle under wraps rather than show it off and not use it?
I dont think there is any question they want to run it. how much they run it would depend on how effective they are at running it. One would think ???
I hope they ditch the whole No-Huddle concept. KF is clearly not comfortable with it. Even if they use it early it will only be a matter of time before he reins it in. The first sign of trouble or heaven forbid a turnover = see ya later. No use in wasting time on it.
I dont think there is any question they want to run it. how much they run it would depend on how effective they are at running it. One would think ???

Who specifically would you define as "they"?

There's no right or wrong answer in my opinion, I'm just curious if the board thinks all of the coaching staff is on board or if it is something Davis wants to run it KF is on the fence about it (or vice versa).

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