No fullback in starting lineup

ESPN doesnt know ****, kluwa and the other guy will get their downs. But there could be more h-back with and extra tight end motioning across the formation.

Duzey or hamilton as an h-back could block or slip out of the backfield and totally burn a Lbkr.
Espn is Espn.... Who knows. I think they are used to most teams not having or using one much so they just assume Iowa isn't either. It's a bad excuse but only one i can come up with
The SEC doesn't use fullbacks therefore no one else uses them either. ESPN's vision stops outside the glory hole that is the SEC.
Unless the position is on the field more than a 2nd TE or 3rd WR it really isn't a starting spot. Our FB is on the field less than those 2 spots. I would say the starting lineup should have 2 TEs. But most teams have 3 WRs in the starting lineup so I get why they did it that way.
KF doesn't know a tiny portion of what we know.

I think you're on to something here. For example, he does not know my moniker or why I use it. He never learned how to exacerbate and does not know where I went on vacation. And that's only the half of it.
I know waaaay more about coaching the foozeball than the captain, and I only make about half what he does. It's complete bull ****, which is why I chew his *** from the stands in Saturdays.
I know waaaay more about coaching the foozeball than the captain, and I only make about half what he does. It's complete bull ****, which is why I chew his *** from the stands in Saturdays.
well at least you can get seats close to the field with the $2 million a year you make.
who knows how KF's fullbacks would have done if they got the ball. Some you disqualify right away but others seemed pretty athletic.
...and don't forget the "Rolling Ball of Butcher's Knives". But my vote still goes to Hudson. Even with nagging injuries he amassed 1987 yards from scrimmage and 25 touchdowns. Caught 60 balls as a fullback. And Hayden referred to him as the best blocking back he ever coached. High praise indeed. I dare say no one in at least the past 40 yrs has done more from the fullback position than David Hudson. Not even Jon Lazar. ;)