Dang, that is some in depth analysis! I think it's a bit brutal at times if you're looking through black and gold glasses, but probably closer to the mark in most cases.
Dang, that is some in depth analysis! I think it's a bit brutal at times if you're looking through black and gold glasses, but probably closer to the mark in most cases.
This guy certainly would not agree with the whole "Stanzi is 3rd round pick or better" talk. Which I believe is ridiculous.
If he were to fix all the problems with his footwork and stopped forcing throws into coverage, he would be 3rd round or better. But that's VERY unlikely to happen before the draft. He's a 5th rounder at best as it stands right now. A good project, but not someone you want to pay big bucks to right away.
I don't disagree but if that bum Jim Sorgi can still find an NFL team to pay him for playing (holding a clipboard) I have no doubt with a decent year and the right team Stanzi will be in the NFL for plenty of years.
I would've thought he'd have evaluated Reisner before Greenwood. I think Reisner definitely has a chance of being drafted later, or at least getting a look.
As for Klug, I think he's a natural 3-4 DE. And I've thought it was a rather obvious fit. I saw someone asked the evaluator about Klug playing OLB in a 3-4, which never crossed my mind, but is interesting to think about. I also think he may be able to play a 4-3 DE - it's tough to tell how fast a guy is playing DT.
Don't forget Ballard. Could easily see him being the 2nd Hawk drafted next spring.Ehh, who cares.... Alot can change in the 10 months before the draft.
Stanzi... size/intangibles will get him a look, probably the best pro prospect of an Iowa QB in the Ferentz era, not saying he's the best QB Iowa has had, just the best one over 6 feet tall
DJK - Could sneak into round 2 with the year we all expect from him, round 5 if he runs slow/avg year.
Klug - undersized... If Mitch King or Matt Kroul doesn't get drafted, Klug will be hard pressed to either
Clayborn - could be top 5 in 2011
Greenwood - Could see a 6th round pick, Matt Stockdale like career