NFL ot


Well-Known Member
Will the NFL ever chance to OT similar to college? I know they vote every year and the present system wins. Why would they like this system better than than the college one?
I don't even like the college OT...but at least give both teams a possession! Could you imagine if baseball's extra innings rule was "if the visiting team scores in the top of the 10th the game is over"???
Frankly I'm not a huge fan of either method. Though I haven't SEEN it happen, with the college method, teams could go into several OT's. But seems like in the NFL, whoever wins the toss has a huge advantage and likely wins the game.

Maybe the kickers should just kick field goals...heh.

I think, at least in the NFL, they should play a full fifth quarter. Then something else if the game is still tied.
What about both college and pro going to a regular "5th quarter" where they play it as if it is a regular quarter. One team kicks off, and then play it normally. If that team scores, they kick off and the other team has one possession to tie it going the length of the field. If you score and get one stop (using the entire field, not just 25 yards), you win. This way both teams got a shot, and also it would not inflate the scores/stats of the game.
What about both college and pro going to a regular "5th quarter" where they play it as if it is a regular quarter. One team kicks off, and then play it normally. If that team scores, they kick off and the other team has one possession to tie it going the length of the field. If you score and get one stop (using the entire field, not just 25 yards), you win. This way both teams got a shot, and also it would not inflate the scores/stats of the game.

Sounds like a good enough solution for me. I'm not sure why it so difficult for the NFL to come up with a suitable solution.
NFL overtime is fine the way it is. It's not like if you lose the toss you aren't allowed top play defense, and I think they showed a stat last night where teams that won the toss didn't win the game that much more than teams that lost the toss, I'm pretty sure it was something close to 7-6. Someone brought up playing a whole new quarter, but I don't think that's reasonable. That's 1/4 of the game where even basketball uses 1/8 of the game in a much less taxing and injury prone game.
NFL overtime is fine the way it is. It's not like if you lose the toss you aren't allowed top play defense, and I think they showed a stat last night where teams that won the toss didn't win the game that much more than teams that lost the toss, I'm pretty sure it was something close to 7-6. Someone brought up playing a whole new quarter, but I don't think that's reasonable. That's 1/4 of the game where even basketball uses 1/8 of the game in a much less taxing and injury prone game.

I think the regular season could be different than the the postseason's OT. There is no way that a conference championship should be decided in OT without both teams getting an offensive possesion. There is no reason the quarter has to be the same length of time. Nobody who has a problem with the current NFL OT is saying that it has to be an entire quarter. We just want each team to have an offensive possession.
@ above poster

Frankly I'm not a huge fan of either method. Though I haven't SEEN it happen, with the college method, teams could go into several OT's. But seems like in the NFL, whoever wins the toss has a huge advantage and likely wins the game.

Maybe the kickers should just kick field goals...heh.

I think, at least in the NFL, they should play a full fifth quarter. Then something else if the game is still tied.
@ above poster

I don't agree with Jonesy... as I said in my previous post, I just want both teams to get an offensive possesion. If you want to argue about injuries you could even keep the OT status quo for the regular season and only make a stipulation for the post season that states that both teams will at least get an offensive possesion. Would you at least agree in the playoffs each team should get a possession?
Each team should get a possession...if it's still a scoreless tie after each team possesses the ball, it's sudden both had your chance! However, if it keeps being tied because of scores, keep going.


Team A wins the toss and scores a TD on a 76 yard drive to take a 7 point lead.

Team B matches with an 82 yard TD drive of their own to tie it back up.

Team A returns the kickoff 92 yards for the TD and a 7 point lead.

Team B loses as they're unable to convert on 4th and 7 from their own 31.

Overtime starts out as another 15 minute Qtr. but does not have to see it end on 0:00. And if the game is still tied after that 15 minutes, it's sudden death and whoever had the ball when time ran out on the extra quarter keeps the ball at that same spot and down to start the sudden death Qtr.
How about the first team to score 6 pts wins, at least that takes away from the team that wins the coin toss just playing for a field goal.
I heard Mike Greenburg present the idea that it had to be at least 6 points this morning on Mike & Mike, but I still don't like that idea in the postseason because there could be one long TD run or throw and the other team still wouldn't have a chance to score of their own.
I think the NFL is too worried about stats/records to go to the college overtime system. Can you imagine a 70-64 NFL game? Peyton Manning having 9 Tds? etc etc. I do like the idea of maybe a 7 or 10 minute overtime though

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