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So there seems to be a lot of talk of Frans days being numbered. I think he's got no less then one more year maybe most likely 2. But if either or both of those years are anywhere close to what this one has been they'd have to be looking to replace him by then. (Hopefully Barta is gone if he's still there throw this whole idea out the window) So since my seeing the future skills are so great (mucho sarcasm) I thought instead of predicting I'd just throw out a couple names of guys I sure wouldn't mind seeing in the running. Those would be Jeff Horner and Dean Oliver. Both are working themselves up the ladder in their own ways. They wouldn't have much experience by any means but I gotta believe they'd both want the job and would arm wrestle for it if they had to. Most likely it'd be closer to 10 yrs down the road then 2 that either of them might be in the running for it but a dreamer can dream can't he?
It is hard to speculate when we are at least a year away from even having to think about this. The coaching landscape can change so much in just one year.

Barta is the bigger issue. Barta has to be on shaky ground right now. If FM fails next year, more than likely they are both gone. Then it is about finding an AD, then finding a head coach.
It is hard to speculate when we are at least a year away from even having to think about this. The coaching landscape can change so much in just one year.

Barta is the bigger issue. Barta has to be on shaky ground right now. If FM fails next year, more than likely they are both gone. Then it is about finding an AD, then finding a head coach.

Agreed. I don't know about anybody on message boards, media, etc., but I don't remember the name Fran McCaffery being floated around as a possibility at Iowa before he was hired. Not sure if Barta/new AD would go for Iowa ties or not.
So there seems to be a lot of talk of Frans days being numbered. I think he's got no less then one more year maybe most likely 2. But if either or both of those years are anywhere close to what this one has been they'd have to be looking to replace him by then. (Hopefully Barta is gone if he's still there throw this whole idea out the window) So since my seeing the future skills are so great (mucho sarcasm) I thought instead of predicting I'd just throw out a couple names of guys I sure wouldn't mind seeing in the running. Those would be Jeff Horner and Dean Oliver. Both are working themselves up the ladder in their own ways. They wouldn't have much experience by any means but I gotta believe they'd both want the job and would arm wrestle for it if they had to. Most likely it'd be closer to 10 yrs down the road then 2 that either of them might be in the running for it but a dreamer can dream can't he?

Where have Horner and Oliver been head coaches in D1 basketball? I dont think they have, have they? Ralph Miller was very successful at Wichita State, Lute was very good at one smaller college then Long Beach St, Raveling had been a successful head coach, Mr. Davis had been very successful at BC and then pretty successful at Stanford, Alford had a sweet 16 at SWMS but was maybe a little raw yet.

Fran has been successful at 3 other stops.

What is Horner and Oliver's resume?
Where have Horner and Oliver been head coaches in D1 basketball? I dont think they have, have they? Ralph Miller was very successful at Wichita State, Lute was very good at one smaller college then Long Beach St, Raveling had been a successful head coach, Mr. Davis had been very successful at BC and then pretty successful at Stanford, Alford had a sweet 16 at SWMS but was maybe a little raw yet.

Fran has been successful at 3 other stops.

What is Horner and Oliver's resume?
Agreed. Not interested in a hail mary, long shot. But I'm not really interested in anyone that Gutless Gary would find acceptable.
Where have Horner and Oliver been head coaches in D1 basketball? I dont think they have, have they? Ralph Miller was very successful at Wichita State, Lute was very good at one smaller college then Long Beach St, Raveling had been a successful head coach, Mr. Davis had been very successful at BC and then pretty successful at Stanford, Alford had a sweet 16 at SWMS but was maybe a little raw yet.

Fran has been successful at 3 other stops.

What is Horner and Oliver's resume?
While I agree with this to an extent you are seeing a lot more of this in today’s day and age, especially in the professional levels. Where was Steve Kerr a head coach before taking over the Warriors? Where did Craig Counsell coach before taking over the Brewers?

I’m not saying it’s a guarantee or not without risk, but if a Oliver, Horner, or even BJ Armstrong were the considered the “right fit” I wouldn’t be opposed. The real question would be the guy doing the hiring.
So there seems to be a lot of talk of Frans days being numbered. I think he's got no less then one more year maybe most likely 2.
I thought that too until I heard about the super top secret contract “amendment.” I hope he starts winning next year because he’s in for the long haul.
I thought that too until I heard about the super top secret contract “amendment.” I hope he starts winning next year because he’s in for the long haul.
Two more years of this and just imagine the folks with pitchforks that'll be out there... There's folks with them out NOW and as we've found out there's pretty much no chance he gets let go after this year. If Iowa is in the bottom 4 or 5 of the BIG the next two years Barta and Fran gotta be on the hottest of hot seats. Regardless of his contract which won't be nearly as tough to buy out as it is now. And as some others have said he's tied to Barta at the hip so Fran is pretty much as safe as can be so long as he's still here. I don't think Barta will fire him
Where have Horner and Oliver been head coaches in D1 basketball? I dont think they have, have they? Ralph Miller was very successful at Wichita State, Lute was very good at one smaller college then Long Beach St, Raveling had been a successful head coach, Mr. Davis had been very successful at BC and then pretty successful at Stanford, Alford had a sweet 16 at SWMS but was maybe a little raw yet.

Fran has been successful at 3 other stops.

What is Horner and Oliver's resume?
I saw another guy had made reference to this but the lack of a resume no longer seems to matter much. It's all about 'fit' and it's been shown that if they put good assistants around them that young inexperienced coaches can succeed. The old days of coaches paying their dues and working up the ladder like all those you mentioned will still happen but you'll also see schools like what UConn and ISU did with Hoiberg. Name recognition goes a long long way in recruiting. These kids nowadays would relate well with coaches that (literally) just went through it all. And as we all well know recruiting is the biggest factor in success in hoops. Getting great players can mask any coaching deficiencies a new coach may have with clock management, out of bounds plays and just overall game management.
No more mid major coaches. Go hire someone like longtime Michigan State assistant Dane Fife, someone that is use to recruiting Big Ten caliber players.
I agree, I'd prefer to see a peer-level assistant hired rather than a mid-major head coach. Also, I'd err on the side of younger. When you look at the sports landscape it is a lot more flash and sizzle than even 10 years ago.
Barta is not hiring another men's head basketball coach, so no one really needs to worry about him mucking that up. This will either work for Fran and he'll be here for the next several years or we'll have a new AD and coach when the dust settles.
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The best assistant out there who can recruit and teach fundamentals is Rob Judson. What he did at N IL was impressive. Where he's been as assistant is impressive.

Unfortunately he got back doored at IL state for head coach. So he'll never get considered at Iowa.
Two more years of this and just imagine the folks with pitchforks that'll be out there... There's folks with them out NOW and as we've found out there's pretty much no chance he gets let go after this year. If Iowa is in the bottom 4 or 5 of the BIG the next two years Barta and Fran gotta be on the hottest of hot seats. Regardless of his contract which won't be nearly as tough to buy out as it is now. And as some others have said he's tied to Barta at the hip so Fran is pretty much as safe as can be so long as he's still here. I don't think Barta will fire him
I agree. As long as Barta is AD, Fran will have a job. And I also believe Barta is never going to be fired. The University just doesn't care about athletic success. So we are likely stuck with both of them for many, many years.

Fran *could* leave on his own for a different school. Barta? No chance. He would be held accountable at any other school.
I agree. As long as Barta is AD, Fran will have a job. And I also believe Barta is never going to be fired. The University just doesn't care about athletic success. So we are likely stuck with both of them for many, many years.

Fran *could* leave on his own for a different school. Barta? No chance. He would be held accountable at any other school.

Even if it's true that they don't care about winning they do care about bringing in more revenue. The better your teams are, the more revenue you bring in. It's not rocket science. Therefore, saying they don't care about winning fails.
Even if it's true that they don't care about winning they do care about bringing in more revenue. The better your teams are, the more revenue you bring in. It's not rocket science. Therefore, saying they don't care about winning fails.
Wrong, because its not that simple. Sometimes you have to take a risk to win more. Gary Barta is interested in the path of least resistance. He basically doesn't want to make tough decisions.
Even if it's true that they don't care about winning they do care about bringing in more revenue. The better your teams are, the more revenue you bring in. It's not rocket science. Therefore, saying they don't care about winning fails.
I honestly don’t think the powers that be at Iowa understand this. Or else they don’t care. The Big 10 money rolls in whether the Hawks are good or bad at athletics.

Can’t have sports overshadow academics, you know.

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