News Flash!!!

Who cares. Its still really early. I think its crazy how fans go nuts over the polls this early. Nothing matters until it's time to select bowls. And until there's conference championships being played there's little reason to play the disrespect card and what if games. There's so many games to be played. Let it sort itself out before crying.
Who cares. Its still really early. I think its crazy how fans go nuts over the polls this early. Nothing matters until it's time to select bowls. And until there's conference championships being played there's little reason to play the disrespect card and what if games. There's so many games to be played. Let it sort itself out before crying.

Agree -- The BCS is only used for four things (Who plays in title game, Non-automatic qualifier high enough for mandatory berth, whether Notre Dame qualifies for mandatory berth, and does a 2nd team from an automatic qualifying conference meet the minimum requirements for selection). None of those things are impacted by whether Big Ten team A is ahead or behind team B at this time. The irony is that the Big Ten title game could knock the 2nd Big Ten team out of the BCS and move every team down a bowl from normal.
We seemingly go through this every year.

The first BCS polls don't mean squat. There is virtually a 100% chance that there will be a huge shakeup in the top 5 between now and conference title games. It happens nearly every year except those rare years where you have a juggernaut or two that are clearly better than everyone else....and even then you get surprises, ala Oklahoma v K-State in conference title game.

Really what we're in right now is college football playoff time. Every game is huge from here on out and whoever's sphincter doesn't tighten up the most will be there in the end. I love this time of year!
The reason why Wisconsin is ranked behind Nebraska is the computers barely have Wisconsin ranked, in fact I think one computer poll did not have Wisconsin in the top 25. This is what happens when you have a weak OOC and have not played many games on the road.

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