New To the Big 10 Question


Well-Known Member
It seems like in this conference everyone is your rival. You guys pass alot of trophys back and forth. I guess in the big 10 we had some historical rivalry with oklahoma which was respectfull. A hated rivalry with colorado (because there **** bomb throwers). And a Missouri rivalry with the nebraska - missouri bell. Now in all of this we pass one trophy. Just kinda curious how it seems everyone that plays eachother in this conference is eachothers rival. I could give 2 ***** what happened to kansas state at one point or another. It was just a game.
The Big 10 is a very competetive conference with alot of historic trophy games, and frankly we are like a big family. We all beat up on each other and hate each other during the season, but we don't allow outsiders to talk smack about our brothers and we all root for each other during bowl season. It's the old theory of I can taunt and beat up my brother, and hold our trophy over his head, but don't let anyone else try it.
You got that right about everyone being your rival. Big Ten fans are like elephants they never forget. Something that happened 70 years ago is reason enough to carry around animosity. I would say that the rivalries tend to be separated by time zone. The central time zone teams seem to be more competitively balanced. You don't see many all time series records among CSTs being hugely imbalanced. Under these conditions trophy games tend to spring up.
I think it varies. I'll use Iowa as and example.

Iowa/Minn, Flyod, a bet was made between the Gov. of Iowa, & the Gov of Minn for a award winning pig. Iowa has been winning Floyd pretty constant lately so even though it is for a trophy, It doesn't seem like much of a rivalry.

Iowa/Wisc, Heartland, started in 2004(iirc), current record is split evenly something like 41-40-2. so this is pretty competitive but it feels (to me) like a trophy made because the serious is so even.

Iowa/ISU, CyHawk, well, this trophy is, imo, a trophy of the middle of Iowa were there are "split" families. even though it makes sense to have a trophy between them it feels really forced.

Iowa/PSU, none, PSU doesn't consider this a rivalry game because they have such a great history. Iowa doesn't really consider this a rivalry game b/c we've been kicking their ***.

Iowa/NW, none, NW fans see this as a rivalry game b/c they've had our number in recent history. Iowa doesn't see it as a rivalry b/c.. well seriously. it is NW.

Iowa/MSU, none, this game has been pretty competitive over the last 15 years I think, the home team has won every time but once. Last year. Tends to be a hard hitting game with emotion and he who makes the least mistakes usually wins.

Iowa/OSU/UM, none, would love to get to the point where these are considered rivalries but we don't win them enough.

Iowa/Everyone else, none, when both teams are good there will be some emotion for a rivalry game, but when either 1 or the other or both aren't, nope.

Now as for
Iowa/Nebraska, none (yet), I truly expect to see this become like like the Iowa/Minnesota rivalry. bad blood and border war. but I'd be fine with it being like the Iowa/PSU rivalry, where you have your history but we still can kick your ***.

The Big 10 is a very competetive conference with alot of historic trophy games, and frankly we are like a big family. We all beat up on each other and hate each other during the season, but we don't allow outsiders to talk smack about our brothers and we all root for each other during bowl season. It's the old theory of I can taunt and beat up my brother, and hold our trophy over his head, but don't let anyone else try it.
This is a very good post. I like the idea of brothers who don't get along but are family. And if you mess with family...look out. That is why I cheer like mad for everyone in the big 10 during bowl season. It get almost as jazzed watching a conference foe in a bowl game as I do watching iowa. The northwestern Auburn game was a prime example. I was freaking out and screaming at the TV during that thriller.
Our impending rivalry with Nebraska will overshadow the other two conference rivalries. We play ISU every year for the stupid cy-hawk hunk of plastic/metal but Its not really a rivalry to lots of Iowa Fans. as far as trophies go. Here is the list in importance to Iowa Fans

1) floyd of rosedale
2) The heartland bull trophy
3) the cy-hawk trophy

I predict the Nebraska trophy will be placed on top of the list.
I'll be rooting for Nebraska every game this year because now they are family fighting in a foreign land.
Welcome to a conference with a long and rich tradition. You need to understand that this is going to be very different and you need to respect the tradition. Remember, you are joining the oldest conference in the nation and some of these trophies are the oldest college football trophies in the nation. You all had some impressive years with your Mr. Davis. You had a nice rivalry going with OU. But, these were blips on the radar compared to the long tradition in this conference. The sooner you learn to recognize and respect that, the sooner you will reap the symbolic rewards of participation in the conference (sorry for using the s word on you, twice).
I think it varies. I'll use Iowa as and example.

Iowa/Minn, Flyod, a bet was made between the Gov. of Iowa, & the Gov of Minn for a award winning pig. Iowa has been winning Floyd pretty constant lately so even though it is for a trophy, It doesn't seem like much of a rivalry.

Iowa/Wisc, Heartland, started in 2004(iirc), current record is split evenly something like 41-40-2. so this is pretty competitive but it feels (to me) like a trophy made because the serious is so even.

Iowa/ISU, CyHawk, well, this trophy is, imo, a trophy of the middle of Iowa were there are "split" families. even though it makes sense to have a trophy between them it feels really forced.

Iowa/PSU, none, PSU doesn't consider this a rivalry game because they have such a great history. Iowa doesn't really consider this a rivalry game b/c we've been kicking their ***.

Iowa/NW, none, NW fans see this as a rivalry game b/c they've had our number in recent history. Iowa doesn't see it as a rivalry b/c.. well seriously. it is NW.

Iowa/MSU, none, this game has been pretty competitive over the last 15 years I think, the home team has won every time but once. Last year. Tends to be a hard hitting game with emotion and he who makes the least mistakes usually wins.

Iowa/OSU/UM, none, would love to get to the point where these are considered rivalries but we don't win them enough.

Iowa/Everyone else, none, when both teams are good there will be some emotion for a rivalry game, but when either 1 or the other or both aren't, nope.

Now as for
Iowa/Nebraska, none (yet), I truly expect to see this become like like the Iowa/Minnesota rivalry. bad blood and border war. but I'd be fine with it being like the Iowa/PSU rivalry, where you have your history but we still can kick your ***.


Iowa /Illinois none but Illinois is the red headed step child that no-one likes and yes if an outsider beats him up the rest of the Big Ten brothers look the other way, and thinks he probably had it coming anyway!
The Big 10 is a very competetive conference with alot of historic trophy games, and frankly we are like a big family. We all beat up on each other and hate each other during the season, but we don't allow outsiders to talk smack about our brothers and we all root for each other during bowl season. It's the old theory of I can taunt and beat up my brother, and hold our trophy over his head, but don't let anyone else try it.

Well, except Michigan and Illinois. You can taunt or bad-mouth them all you want. We don't care ;)