New Hawkeye Sport... Hockey?


Well-Known Member
Hope I'm not throwing anybody off with the headline, and I hope this hasn't already been talked about, but I was wondering with the forming of the B1G conference in hockey, has there been mention of Iowa jumping into the league and forming a team, or any other B1G team besides Penn State?
Hope I'm not throwing anybody off with the headline, and I hope this hasn't already been talked about, but I was wondering with the forming of the B1G conference in hockey, has there been mention of Iowa jumping into the league and forming a team, or any other B1G team besides Penn State?

We'd have to form a men and women's team to do it.
I don't know about women's hockey, but I know there's a hockey club here, so I'm sure they could pull off a men's team easily.
I don't know about women's hockey, but I know there's a hockey club here, so I'm sure they could pull off a men's team easily.

I don't think Iowa's club team could compete with some of the Big Ten teams.

Mich, Mich State, Wisco, Minn.. those are all MAJOR college programs.
No way Iowa the Iowa club team competes as a D1. They are more D2 or D3 level. In the land of title whatever if you ad a mens scholarship program you either need to cut another men's program of equal scholarships or you need to add the same number of women's schollies to balance the men's you add.
For this to happen, we'd need a HUGE donation to get a men's and women's program jump started, ala Penn St. We'd need a 3,000 to 5,000 seat ice arena with a practice facility. That's gonna take some major cash.

That being said, we are sitting smack dab in the middle of a hockey recruiting hotbed. The USHL, which is the only Tier 1 junior hockey league in the US, has 6 teams located in Iowa. No other state has more than 1. That would be a HUGE recruiting advantage for Iowa, if we could get a coach who could take advantage of this.

As an avid hockey fan, I would thrilled if Iowa would start a hockey program. I also believe, given time, it would be a pretty hot ticket in Iowa City. However, hockey is an expensive sport, and unless some boosters plunk down some huge coin to start a program, Iowa getting a division 1 hockey program isn't likely to happen.
here's the Iowa Hawkeye website:

University of Iowa

They have DII and DIII teams. The DIII started 10-0 and ranked #13 before dropping last 2 games to Marquette. They play teams like IL St, MO St, Northwestern, NIU and ISU.

DII has only won 2 games and plays Illinois, Kansas, MN Gophers, MO, NIU. I'm assuming the MN team is not the A squad that competes in B10, but the B-C team or something.
For this to happen, we'd need a HUGE donation to get a men's and women's program jump started, ala Penn St. We'd need a 3,000 to 5,000 seat ice arena with a practice facility. That's gonna take some major cash.

That being said, we are sitting smack dab in the middle of a hockey recruiting hotbed. The USHL, which is the only Tier 1 junior hockey league in the US, has 6 teams located in Iowa. No other state has more than 1. That would be a HUGE recruiting advantage for Iowa, if we could get a coach who could take advantage of this.

As an avid hockey fan, I would thrilled if Iowa would start a hockey program. I also believe, given time, it would be a pretty hot ticket in Iowa City. However, hockey is an expensive sport, and unless some boosters plunk down some huge coin to start a program, Iowa getting a division 1 hockey program isn't likely to happen.

This is very very true. I hadn't thought about the recruiting angle from all the USHL teams. In addition to the Iowa teams there is also one in Omaha, I'm not sure if that's one of the 6 you were thinking of.

BTW the investment wouldn't be as big as you'd think. The CR ice arena could easily serve as home ice. In addition to the game arena they have a practice rink there also, and of course the mall could work for some practices.
For this to happen, we'd need a HUGE donation to get a men's and women's program jump started, ala Penn St. We'd need a 3,000 to 5,000 seat ice arena with a practice facility. That's gonna take some major cash.That being said, we are sitting smack dab in the middle of a hockey recruiting hotbed. The USHL, which is the only Tier 1 junior hockey league in the US, has 6 teams located in Iowa. No other state has more than 1. That would be a HUGE recruiting advantage for Iowa, if we could get a coach who could take advantage of this. As an avid hockey fan, I would thrilled if Iowa would start a hockey program. I also believe, given time, it would be a pretty hot ticket in Iowa City. However, hockey is an expensive sport, and unless some boosters plunk down some huge coin to start a program, Iowa getting a division 1 hockey program isn't likely to happen.
This is very very true. I hadn't thought about the recruiting angle from all the USHL teams. In addition to the Iowa teams there is also one in Omaha, I'm not sure if that's one of the 6 you were thinking of.BTW the investment wouldn't be as big as you'd think. The CR ice arena could easily serve as home ice. In addition to the game arena they have a practice rink there also, and of course the mall could work for some practices.

I was including the Omaha Lancers in those six teams, Duff, as their arena is technically located in Council Bluffs if I'm not mistaken.

Anyway, yes, we could use the Cedar Rapids Ice Arena for the time being, but my feeling is if the University really wanted to go D-1 in hockey, eventually an on campus, university owned arena would be preferred. That's just my opinion.
Hockey is picking up more and more popularity in the state. It would be nice to see Iowa make the jump up to D1, it might take them a few years to compete but as others have mentioned you would have a solid base to recruit from.
I agree Dbow I just don't see that happening. If Iowa were to build an arena it would need to be like the one in Madison which is multi use, and with all the money they've pumped into carver that ain't happening.
I agree Dbow I just don't see that happening. If Iowa were to build an arena it would need to be like the one in Madison which is multi use, and with all the money they've pumped into carver that ain't happening.
BTW if you are a hockey fan you owe it to yourself to go up to Madison to see a wisky hockey game, they pack 10k plus for big games. its a riot.
I don't think they'd have to build a new arena right away. As mentioned, they could get by in Cedar Rapids for their games. But practices in the mall may not be popular with the (hypothetical) coaching staff. That's a pretty easy way to scout if you're an opposing coach, and you wouldn't even stick out like a sore thumb.

But, an arena (or additional renovation to Carver, if it's possible to make it rink-compatible) could be done further down the road.
My nephew is a goalie for one of the teams at Iowa. Right now it's a non-scholarship team and is more like club like another poster said. But she said next year, or the year after, it's suppose to be a scholarship sport at Iowa.
love going to watch the USHL team here in sioux city. they've got some real talent in the league, for sure. hockey is a great sport to watch live. hey, maybe some big shot donor will step up and drop some coin to get it rolling. wouldn't hold my breath though.

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