Nebraska - Iowa Game


Well-Known Member
Will not be played the friday after thanksgiving according to next years schedule. I think this is a bad tradition to miss out on. Nothing like being the hottest ticket on tv before all the games on saturday.
Will not be played the friday after thanksgiving according to next years schedule. I think this is a bad tradition to miss out on. Nothing like being the hottest ticket on tv before all the games on saturday.

It won't be played on that Friday in 2012 when Nebraska comes to Kinnick either. I just don't see it being done at all just like you won't see the Big Ten playing conference games on a Thursday like the Big 12 does.
They would have to re-negotiate some TV stuff in order for us to be able to play on Friday. That Friday time slot belongs to the Big 12 - not Nebraska/Colorado. It was always up to the Big 12 who got to play there and they just always made it Nebraska. I would love for us to have played on Friday with the national spotlight on the game as we played for the Division title but alas this is yet another thing that Texas will keep from happening :D
A) I have to work the Friday after Tgiving (stock markets are open half-day), so I pref Saturday
B) Just because it is on there for Saturday only means that it is that week, nothing more or less, it could still be moved to Friday
I was really disappointed to hear that they wouldn't be playing this on Friday.

Having this game on Friday would have really magnified and solidifed this rivalry around the counrtry. I think the conference is missing a big opportunity.
a tradition that nebraska had with colorado is not a tradition that iowa, or the big ten conference, has had with any team
I find bowl games that fall in the middle of the week to be inconvevient at times. Obviously I happily make due, but am happy to leave that tobowl games exclusively. Game day is Saturday in the it or leave it..
You guys that don't want this game on Friday must really enjoy shopping.

No way. But my wife saved us $400.+ last year shopping on "black Friday" and she would not have gone if there was a Hawk game that day. No way would she have gone.

Besides that, it's the last game of a long season. Every 24 hours a player can get to "rest" his wounds is a good thing. Plus, Thanksgiving Holiday is a distraction in the middle of the week we don't really have any experience dealing with.
I think your missing the point here guys. If you dont like games on friday because its a big 12 nebraska thing then thats one thing. But to play a rivalry which is already being heated up on a friday when hardly anyone else is playing. On prime time when people are setting up there christmas tree (like i do), or wrapping there presents is a big deal for exposure. Granted that Iowa hasnt needed help with that lately but to do something different then anyone else can do in your conference is a great thing. I know the big 10 is forged harder then steel with traditions but some of those traditions are gone now. It could be time to make new traditions. Sitting with the grandkids watching the tube while the ladies are shopping. Or bundling down in kinnick on a friday evening to watch the Hawkeyes play. Youve got to admit that to do something different like that would be a neat experience.
You guys that don't want this game on Friday must really enjoy shopping.

I don't know why anyone would want the game on Friday. Sure you & many have the day off, but I would bet that 30% of the nation has to work on that day. It is not a national holiday. I have not watched a game on friday for years.
We're the Big 10 and don't have to play on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, or at 6:00 pm on Saturdays in order to be on TV. Nebraska will find that the days of pay per view and goofy days and times to play are over. They are in a conference where we play at noon and 3:30 eastern and at 8:00 eastern during good weather months only. All games are on the day of the week the good lord set aside for college football, Saturday. We effectively tell TV when we play and still think of our fans who attend games unlike these other rinky dink conferences.
We're the Big 10 and don't have to play on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, or at 6:00 pm on Saturdays in order to be on TV. Nebraska will find that the days of pay per view and goofy days and times to play are over. They are in a conference where we play at noon and 3:30 eastern and at 8:00 eastern during good weather months only. All games are on the day of the week the good lord set aside for college football, Saturday. We effectively tell TV when we play and still think of our fans who attend games unlike these other rinky dink conferences.

Well said...besides, I also like the idea of not having to spend all 4 days of the holiday watching ball games. It gives me one free day to be a regular father, husband et al.
Im not sure why you guys are taking such a big issue with this. I actually thought it would have been cool also, and agree with everything redpower said. I couldnt care less what day that hawks play....I'll watch em no matter what and not b!tch about it either...

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