NCAA Round 4 Results

After 125:

Clark wins a wild match in OT 7-6 over Klimara OKST. Will AA.

Will face Earl Hall ISUUU tonight

Megaludis falls to Garrett. Will be waiting in consos for winner of above match.
Tony advances with a great late move for back points 5-1.

UNI Colon lost, so rematch of B1G Finals with Graff!
157 DSJ beats Smith CMU 11-4 in the consos and AAs. Moves on to face unranked Anthony Perrotti RUT later tonight
Significant Team Score rooting interests coming up in the 157 Semis (Against Ness Minn, Against Dierenger OKST)
Team Score Race:

157 Semis

Ness MINN just snuck out a win late 6-4 to make the finals over Miller KENT

Dierenger OKST takes it 5-4 over a one legged Realbuto COR

Nate Burak on deck coming up on Mat 2 in 197 Consos
Team Score Race:

Steinhaus MINN wins over Thomusseit PITT in 184 Consos 6-5. He'll move on to another match tonigh.

Minn hitting a lot of team points.
In 197 Consos Burak beats Gonzalez ILL 5-2 and will AA. He moves on to face winner of Bonnacorsi PITT v Hartmann DUKE later tonight.

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