NCAA Expands Auburn Investigation

doesn't surprise me at all imo Auburn=dirtiest program in NCAA

I don't think your opinion is too far off from the national consensus. If they aren't THE dirtiest (for the record, in my opinion they are), they are without a doubt in the top 3.
most likely only a matter of time before they take back both the heisman and crystal football. drastic measures need to be taken to clean up this great sport.
whether or not this turns out to be anything, eventually the truth will leak out about the "other" stuff <cough> cam newton <cough>.
just a matter of time.
Still hoping that the FBI wiretaps of that big Auburn banker/booster/trustee will yield some more truth on the corruption behind Auburn football. In the course of that TARP banking investigation,we might just finally crack the Auburn booster mafia.
But let's not forget it's not just Auburn....The only reason MSU turned them in was because they didn't/couldn't get the money together....if they had and he signed with them...this wouldn't have been brought out.

After time these things usually come out though.

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