Moving Screens


Well-Known Member
I wonder what the season tally was on moving screens called against Iowa.

When the team struggled offensively there was too much standing around. When there was movement and screens being set it seemed like there were a lot of whistles for moving screens ... got clean that up and get more continuity and rhythm on the offensive end.

As a fan, those empty possessions were very frustrating. It's one thing to take a shot and miss it but (for me at least) it drove me crazy to see all those moving screens called against Iowa.
I watch a fair amount of college basketball and I think Iowa gets called for moving screens and blocking calls than any team in the nation. There's probably a website that provides that information somewhere but I haven't found it yet. Now I don't watch full games of other teams very often and of course I'm somewhat biased but it seems like McCabe and Woody get called for blocks 95 times out of 100. The way screens are set in basketball today I think you could call a moving screen on just about every possession. This has been going on for all four years that Fran has been here so I don't think it's a coaching thing. The only thing I can put this on is the refs have called these because of the reputation of our players. I just don't know, maybe someone with more insight could clue me in.
Alot of those moving screens were the fault of the guards. They never waited for the screener to come to them; they always seemed to bring the defender into screener while he was moving.
Some of those calls were bull last night, by the way. We got fat arsed by the Vols.
Bet they went out for Whoppers after the game.
Alot of those moving screens were the fault of the guards. They never waited for the screener to come to them; they always seemed to bring the defender into screener while he was moving.

This was part of it...guards seemed impatient with the screens. But the other thing is our offense utilizes a lot of curl cuts and ball screens which I would say we run around twice as many screens as other teams half court offenses which means more chances at moving screens.
I always think its dumb that Iowa has their centers setting screens in 3 point land and then not rolling to the basket. Why have your 7 footers 20 feet from the basket?
It's such an arbitrary call by the refs, but it seems as though they never miss one on us, even when it is questionable.

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