Moving page


Well-Known Member
I'm using Firefox. Often when I visit the football forum and move cursor to hover over a topic, the topic / page will move up or down (distance = about 1 line of text) . It won't allow me to hover on it (and click). I wish I could capture the entire screen in a .gif to let you see it.
Me too. It always happens right before I click on something and makes me click on something else.
This still happens to me, no matter what browser I use. This site actually locked up my computer and knocked out it's ability to connect by wireless or direct hook-up. I had to wipe out everything and start over. That's why I was not here all season, and have just now come back. So I guess I am going to risk it again. I complained about the stability when Jon switched to this current setup. Sad to see nothing has changed.
The CSS needs to be changed. It's been happening to me since Jon's changed to the new format.
I'm pretty sure nobody monitors this site anymore. No responses from anyone "in charge" on any of the bugs that were submitted. Jon must be focusing on his new app, and not so much on the forums. Must be a more steady revenue stream out of the app.