More games are lost then are won in the NFL


Active Member
so says Eric Mangini. He was on M&M and talked about calculated risks.

This explains KF to perfection.

It is why we lost to ISU.

It is why Iowa is an excellent program.
Do you know what playing for overtime with 1:17 on the clock and 2 timeouts gets you in the NFL?

This is true in college as well. However, you can't use this generalization to blast over specific situations in which this doesn't apply.

In the case of not going for it in regulation, we didn't play the percentages.
Major difference in NFL and College.

There isnt as wide as a gap in talent in the NFL as there is in NCAA
I am just as irritated as the next guy. I thought the comments explained KF perfectly. While I don't like some of the play calling and I don't like the loss, I will keep KF.

I was irritated that we didn't use our tendencies to try to move the ball a bit. A play-action Coker with MM the prime target, or a bubble or something to mix the D up. Use our Conservativeness as a lure and get the ball to our play maker. Instead we plow ahead with a fumble prone RB for nadda....
I'd keep KF too. Just want him to actually play the percentages even if that means being aggresive from time to time.
i disagree. each game has 2 teams playing, one team will lose and the other will lose, or we have the rare occurrence of a tie.

so therefore 50% of the games are won and 50% of the games are lost.


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