More class from that school out west

Just wondering: Regardless of the thread, do you EVER not post a criticism of Fran? Or Kirk? Or Brian? Or GB.
Geez, Gold.
Gold has professional jealousy issue. He’s forever telling everyone how great of a coach he is for middle school girls soccer in Khazakistan while taking every chance out of the blue to link an Iowa coach to stories like this.

And the school out west has nothing to do with this (former) coach’s stupidity.
Just wondering: Regardless of the thread, do you EVER not post a criticism of Fran? Or Kirk? Or Brian? Or GB.
Geez, Gold.
Barta all Ive said is I think there is more to the story. KF quite a bit actually.

Brian Yes in 2nd half of Wyoming and one other game. He didnt deserve the job. I relate my Barta comment to Brian. It didnt smell right. I know too much how universities work.

KF Ive always said hd is a terrific coach when he needs to be and when it works its beautiful. I did call The OSU game. My biggest criticism is running backs into walls and after doing so throwing A Rob under the bus. The Outback and CJ is anothrr example. Someone needs to be the adult. The Doyle award...

Fran is not anywhere close to class act. He is terrible about teaching finer points. I also got to watch the recruitment of current Big players up close. It wasnt pretty. The didnt even try to recruit visibly a top player while at the game. Fran is an ass at times.

Fry, Olson, Davis were not embarrassments. Current coaches are for differering reasons.

I also got to know several big coaches...head and asst pretty well. You dont have to be an ass or stubborn as hell.

There you have it.
Gold has professional jealousy issue. He’s forever telling everyone how great of a coach he is for middle school girls soccer in Khazakistan while taking every chance out of the blue to link an Iowa coach to stories like this.

And the school out west has nothing to do with this (former) coach’s stupidity.

You sound just like your twin.
Gold has professional jealousy issue. He’s forever telling everyone how great of a coach he is for middle school girls soccer in Khazakistan while taking every chance out of the blue to link an Iowa coach to stories like this.

And the school out west has nothing to do with this (former) coach’s stupidity.

I also got to know several big coaches...head and asst pretty well. You dont have to be an ass or stubborn as hell.

There you have it.

LOL, @DDThompson , I also love how he brags about his children on here, brags about getting a Masters, brags about writing a book, brags about being the greatest coach of kids ever, and now claims to know several big coaches "pretty well". LOLOLOLOL, is there a more arrogant asshole on this site than @HawkGold ?
Asst. clown coach resigns after attacking high school kid on twitter, lol!

This is old news. I think he was a basketball operations behind the scenes guy, not an assistant coach? Either way, not sure what would posses a person to do that.
LOL, @DDThompson , I also love how he brags about his children on here, brags about getting a Masters, brags about writing a book, brags about being the greatest coach of kids ever, and now claims to know several big coaches "pretty well". LOLOLOLOL, is there a more arrogant asshole on this site than @HawkGold ?

Like I said, take your multiple personalities and get help. What you do is flat out harassment. Go back to calling out high school kids.

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C'mon people. I've provided an opportunity to mock the school out west and what are we doing? Bashing our own.

Get your priorities straight. I expect better!
C'mon people. I've provided an opportunity to mock the school out west and what are we doing? Bashing our own.

Get your priorities straight. I expect better!
That's what happens when your own house is a shitshow and your AD is a crooked pussy, people turn on each other because there is no hope.
That's what happens when your own house is a shitshow and your AD is a crooked pussy, people turn on each other because there is no hope.

I can't stand Barta but I'd rather have him then that conspiracy theorist Pollard out west. Hopefully Barta will prove me wrong and fire Fran soon.
Typical @HawkGold only wants to bash on me and the Hawks.

You are one of a kind Dean. Actually 4 of a kind. You should rain your personalities in. Got to hand it to you though, it takes some effort on your part to be that fluid.

Have you discussed this with your therapist?
You are one of a kind Dean. Actually 4 of a kind. You should rain your personalities in. Got to hand it to you though, it takes some effort on your part to be that fluid.

Have you discussed this with your therapist?

I am the one and only, and I giveth the advice, I don't take it.
Barta all Ive said is I think there is more to the story. KF quite a bit actually.

Brian Yes in 2nd half of Wyoming and one other game. He didnt deserve the job. I relate my Barta comment to Brian. It didnt smell right. I know too much how universities work.

KF Ive always said hd is a terrific coach when he needs to be and when it works its beautiful. I did call The OSU game. My biggest criticism is running backs into walls and after doing so throwing A Rob under the bus. The Outback and CJ is anothrr example. Someone needs to be the adult. The Doyle award...

Fran is not anywhere close to class act. He is terrible about teaching finer points. I also got to watch the recruitment of current Big players up close. It wasnt pretty. The didnt even try to recruit visibly a top player while at the game. Fran is an ass at times.

Fry, Olson, Davis were not embarrassments. Current coaches are for differering reasons.

I also got to know several big coaches...head and asst pretty well. You dont have to be an ass or stubborn as hell.

There you have it.
Oh great, another chapter added to your autobiography nobody cares about when a simple "no" would answer his question.

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