Miller's Goodbye/Thank You Podcast Series Season 1

I haven't listened, but that's the beauty of a podcast, they can be as long as you want them to be. I personally love when On Iowa goes at least 2 hours cause I digest it all. Cause they are talking current events, answering questions etc. Listening to Miller wax nostalgia tho doesn't sound that interesting to me even tho I have loved his podcasts for years now. I will get to it eventually, but it's on wait til there is nothing else that is more relevant kind of material for me.
I love John and his contribution to Iowa sports tho.
Jim Zabel did it better in the book Zabel wrote. It was a very interesting read.

Miller should take the time to do it right by putting his thoughts down in a book. People would buy it.

Podcasts suck, IMHO
Jim Zabel did it better in the book Zabel wrote. It was a very interesting read.

Miller should take the time to do it right by putting his thoughts down in a book. People would buy it.

Podcasts suck, IMHO

That would require a publisher to take that on. Not sure how easy that'd be to do maybe it's really easy I dunno but maybe not.

As far as podcasts go I think they are awesome and as far as getting the most amount of folks to hear it that's the way to go hands down. Less and less folks sit around reading books anymore... Podcasts allow you to multitask. I love the heck out of them. Can pause em and not miss anything like you can on radio. Only way to go I think
That would require a publisher to take that on. Not sure how easy that'd be to do maybe it's really easy I dunno but maybe not.

As far as podcasts go I think they are awesome and as far as getting the most amount of folks to hear it that's the way to go hands down. Less and less folks sit around reading books anymore... Podcasts allow you to multitask. I love the heck out of them. Can pause em and not miss anything like you can on radio. Only way to go I think

You hire an agent. Or you can buy an ISBN number and create your own pub co.

Self pub without an ISBN is hard to sell.
he admits to his narcissism

"enough about me............ now you talk about me"

"I'm not much, but I'm all I think about"

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