It’s the Days of What-Will-Be-The-Future. Two great questions float in front of us: how will the Hawks do and what will the Big10 divisions look like. It has been said, however, that it’s difficult to know where you are going until you know where you’ve been.
I thought it would be an interesting look into what division winners would have been in Commissioner Delaney’s well-rounded 17-year span based upon Jon Miller’s division will-be Big10 landscape. I don’t agree with the lineup (I want Minnesota flipped with either Purdue/NW) but he is lord and commander of HawkeyeNation. So here are his divisions:
Deace Division . . . . Miller Division
Indiana . . . . . . . . . Illinois
Michigan . . . . . . . . Iowa
Michigan State . . . . Northwestern
Minnesota . . . . . . . Purdue
Ohio State . . . . . . .Wisconsin
Penn State . . . . . . Nebraska
There are qualifiers, of course. In a divisional setup, the teams will play each other every year. That, of course, did not happen during the Delaney 17. And the initial glance backwards is in the context of the current Big10 membership: so the Deace Division has six teams while Miller’s division only has five teams (sans Nebraska) to fight for the divisional crown. But that’s okay, there are two ‘gimme games’ in the Deace Division.
The Days of What-Could-Have-Been-Past Championship Games along with regular season matchups in are as follows:
Year . Deace . . . . . . . . Miller . . . . . . . . .(Regular Season Game)
93 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Wisconsin . . . . . 14-14 @Wis
94 . . .Penn State . . . . .Wisconsin . . . . . DNP
95 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Northwestern . . . DNP
96 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Northwestern . . . DNP
97 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Purdue . . . . . . . .DNP
98 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Wisconsin . . . . . .DNP
99 . . .Mich State . . . . .Wisconsin . . . . . . @MSU 17 Wis 42
00 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Purdue . . . . . . . . @Mich 31 Pur 32
01 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Illinois . . . . . . . . @Mich 45 ILL 20
02 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Iowa . . . . . . . . . only time two 8-0 teams
03 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Purdue . . . . . . . . @Mich 31 Pur 3
04 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Iowa . . . . . . . . . @Mich 30 Iowa 17
05 . . .Penn State . . . . Northwestern . . . . @PSU 34 NW 29
06 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Wisconsin . . . . . . DNP
07 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Illinois . . . . . . . . @OSU 21 ILL 28
08 . . .Penn State . . . . .Northwestern . . . .DNP
09 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Iowa . . . . . . . . . @OSU 27 Iowa 24 (OT)
The Big10 Conference Championship game appearances would break down this way.
Deace . . . . . . . . . . Miller
Ohio State -- 8 . . . .Wisconsin -- 5
Michigan ---- 5 . . . . NW -- 4
Penn State -- 3 . . . Iowa -- 3
Mich State -- 1. . . . Purdue -- 3
Minn/Ind -- 0 . . . . Illinois -- 2
With the Buckeyes run three of the last four years, their dominance is unquestioned. And not surprisingly, Ohio Sate and Michigan dominate the Deace division with 13 of 17 division crowns.
What would you say if I told you that one Big10 program has finished 13 of 17 years in the lower half of the Conference while the other program has finished in the upper half of the Big10 standings 15 of 17 years and yet they both would have had the same number of championship game appearances? Yeah, rub your eyes and read that again.
You know what I would say?
I would say that it sucks to be Penn State.
Mighty Penn State has nearly the same number of division crowns in the Deace division as Illinois would own in the Miller division. Yeah, ironic in a funny sorta way, huh?
Being in the Miller Division is where the action is and being away from Ohio State and Michigan gives more fun time to join the championship game. There is no denying it; it is better to away from the Buckeyes and Wolverines. Took a genius to figure that out, huh.
During the time span, the Deace division winners lost, at most, two conference games three times (1999-2001) while Miller division winners lost three games three times (‘94, ‘05, ‘08). The last two were default crowns given to Northwestern as the rest of the Miller teams were just not that good. Well, either that or as a HawkFan I have to say this: if Iowa doesn't lose close games to Northwestern those two seasons then give two more past psuedo-crowns to Iowa with 6-2 records.
The records of the division winners aren’t as lopsided as one might think. Okay, that’s wishful thinking. Miller’s winners had a better record three times, Deace winners eight times and six times both division winners ended the season with the same records.
Now it looks as lopsided as Grandma Jones after getting out of her rocking chair. Speaking of which . . . (using a Milleresque segue)
First, a cursory glance will reveal how cyclical the OSU-MICH series is. History may not repeat, but it certainly does enjoy ironies. Going back to prior days, Michigan is due for a Speedy recovery (perhaps even with Gonzalez at the helm), and OSU is due to fall a game or two a year. Andale o Alto!? No sabo? Pressar uno para Ingles.
Dos, those who think Ohio State and Michigan should be in separate divisions to set up the ultimate Big10 Championship Game, ummm, you should think again. During the 17 year span, OSU-MICH finished 1-2 only four times (’98, ’03, ’06, ’07). And another fun fact: excluding those 1-2 years, OSU-MICH finished within one game of each other only three other times.
The good news for the rest of the Big10 is that the OSU-MICH dominance isn’t a one-two punch. It’s uncommon for the Dynamic Duo to gang together and bully the conference. The bad news is whichever one KA-POWS the other, that one gets to KA-BOOM the conference.
Ten times the Big10 Championship would have been a rematch of a regular season game. That’s why I’m not thrilled with a proposed nine game schedule which gives even a bigger chance at a rematch. Yaaaaawwwwn!
In those 9 historical games, the Deace teams won 5 while the Miller teams won 3 (a tie in 1993). Yes, son, they used to play ties in college football. An odd twist of data is that the Deace division played 7 of the 9 games at home.
And since FOX is due to come out with a “Living in the 90’s” adult cartoon soon, let’s remove ancient history and look at just the last 10 years. The breakdown of championship game appearances could have looked like this.
Deace . . . . . . . . . . . Miller
Ohio State -- 4 . . . . . Iowa -- 3
Michigan -- 4 . . . . . . Illinois -- 2
Penn State -- 2 . . . . .NW -- 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Purdue -- 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wisconsin -- 1
In the current decade, the Deace division levels out between the Big2 (why was it exactly Gonzalez had to be hired?) and Wisconsin’s good run in the 90’s is more pronounced than I remembered. The Miller Division is still competitive over the last decade, but Wisconsin is chopped down to size. Yeeaaah! And it makes me wonder why Wisconsin-Iowa should not be a bigger rivalry. Sadly, in the Deace Division, remembering Penn State in memorable psuedo-Big10 championship games is like your great-grandparent trying to remember your kids' names. Speaking of which . . . (another Milleresque segue)
Would much more thought be given to Penn State if the Lions were born free to the Miller Division and Purdue were sent packing east? Would Joe Pa be the robber baron of the West?
Nope. Not even close. Make no mistake. Penn State would have won more Miller crowns than they would have in the Deace. But would PSU have become the OSU of the Miller Division? Well, take a look. Flip-flopping Penn State and Purdue makes the following championship game changes from those listed above.
Year . . Deace . . . . . . . . . Miller. . . . . . . . . Regular Season Games
94 . . . .Ohio State . . . . . . Penn State . . . . .OSU 14 @PSU 63
-No gain here. PSU won Deace before the flip. This change just adds another crown to the Buckeye total.
97 . . . .Michigan . . . . . . . .Penn State . . . . .Mich 37 @PSU 14
-Removes a crown from Wisconsin. Now I’m in happy valley, too.
05 . . . .Ohio State . . . . . . .Penn State . . . . OSU 14 . . . @PSU 17
-No gain here. PSU won Deace before the flop. This change just adds another crown to the Buckeye total.
08 . . . .Ohio State . . . . . . .Penn State . . . . @OSU 6 . . . PSU 13
-Removes a crown for NW. That’s okay. I’m really starting to dislike the Wildcats. That’s three regular season wins over OSU in what would be rematches of championship games.
00 . . . .Purdue . . . . . . . . . Northwestern . . . .Purd 41 . . . @NW 28
-Purdue wins Deace even after the switch from Miller. What? No Michigan, OSU, PSU, Wisconsin in this game? SweeeeeeeT!
03 . . . .Michigan . . . . . . . . Iowa . . . . . . . . .Mich 27 . . . @Iowa 30
-Moving Purdue gives Iowa the crown. On second thought: Iowa owns PSU, NW owns Iowa . . . things that make ya' go, 'hmmmmm'
So if the Lions growl enough to cause this divisional lineup, the championship game appearances would have looked like this. Number in ( ) would be appearances in the last decade.
Deace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miller
Ohio State -- 11 . .(6) . . . .Iowa ---------4 . . (4)
Michigan ----- 4 . .(3) . . . .Penn State -- 4 . . (2)
Purdue ------- 1 . (1) . . . .Wisconsin ---- 4 . . (1)
Mich St -------1 . .(0) . . . .NW ---------- 3 . . .(1)
Minn/Ind ------0 . . . . . . . .Illinois ------- 2 . . (2)
The equality of the Miller Division in the last 17 years would continue and the dominance of Ohio State would be more thuggish in the Deace Division. Moving PSU to Miller gives Iowa a better looking stat line. On second thought: Can we get PSU and NW to flip-flop?
Penn State might as well just stay out east and have short trips. Hey, PSU: Save yourself from Shatner commercials. Do some Saturday staycations. Just beat OSU and you’ll win the division, that’s all.
Speaking of not dominating the Miller Division . . . another Milleresque segue?
While lining up the divisions with Big10 teams is plausible for surmising championship game appearances, inserting Nebraska into the mix is pure speculation and one-upmanship. Okay. I’m good with that. The Big12 doesn’t play defense like the Big10. And I don’t think the Big12 is as tough as a proposed Big10 Miller division. I admit that those are biases. Or biasii. Whatever.
How would Nebraska do if lining up their Big8/Big12 conference records were compared to their Big10 Miller Division future rivals’ records? Below is what that lineup of championship games would have looked like. And in case of Tied Records, I used the final AP poll to determine division crowns (a couple could be written with pencil and not ink). I know, that’s not scientific or anything, but that is how the National Champion is determined. So using AP to determine a potential-past pseudo-Miller Division crown winner shouldn’t be a big leap into injustice.
Year . Deace . . . . . . . . Miller . . . . . . . . .(Final AP if tied)
93 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Nebraska
94 . . .Penn State . . . . .Nebraska
95 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Nebraska . . . . . Neb #1 . . NW #8
96 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Nebraska . . . . . Neb #6 . . NW #15
97 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Nebraska
98 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Wisconsin
99 . . .Mich State . . . . .Nebraska . . . . . Neb #3 . . Wis #4
00 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Nebraska . . . . . Neb #8 . . Pur #13
01 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Nebraska . . . . . Neb #8 . . ILL #12
02 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Iowa
03 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Purdue
04 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Iowa
05 . . .Penn State . . . . Northwestern
06 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Wisconsin
07 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Illinois
08 . . .Penn State . . . . .Northwestern
09 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Iowa . . . . . . . . Iowa #7 . . Neb #14
Big10 Championship Game breakdown with last decade in ( ):
Deace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miller__________
Ohio State --- 8 . . (4) . . .Nebraska --- 8 . . (2)
Michigan ----- 5 . . (4) . . .Iowa ------- 3 . . (3)
Penn State ---3 . . (2) . . . NW -------- 2 . . (2)
Mich State ---1 . . . . . . . .Wisconsin--- 2 . . (1)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illinois ------ 1 . . (1)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Purdue ----- 1. . .(1)
In the Delaney 17 span, Nebraska could have dominated the Miller Division like OSU did the Deace. Unlike OSU, however, Nebraska’s dominance is ancient history in college football. The last ten years, I believe, are more indicative of Nebraska's standing. And even those potential past crowns were early in the decade.
Dear Sam Cornhusker: since basically the graduation of the redshirt freshman class that entered the newly formed Big12 conference, the Nebraska program has been dethroned from top echelon of collegiate football.
You may not think that Big10 football is on par with Big12 football. Fine, live in your fantasy world. But you've had a tough time competing against one national program since joining the Big12, and you think you're going to line-dance into the Big10 and detassle a league with three national programs?
Remember that line about history? History does not repeat with time, but it certainly does rhyme.
Just ask Penn State.
I thought it would be an interesting look into what division winners would have been in Commissioner Delaney’s well-rounded 17-year span based upon Jon Miller’s division will-be Big10 landscape. I don’t agree with the lineup (I want Minnesota flipped with either Purdue/NW) but he is lord and commander of HawkeyeNation. So here are his divisions:
Deace Division . . . . Miller Division
Indiana . . . . . . . . . Illinois
Michigan . . . . . . . . Iowa
Michigan State . . . . Northwestern
Minnesota . . . . . . . Purdue
Ohio State . . . . . . .Wisconsin
Penn State . . . . . . Nebraska
There are qualifiers, of course. In a divisional setup, the teams will play each other every year. That, of course, did not happen during the Delaney 17. And the initial glance backwards is in the context of the current Big10 membership: so the Deace Division has six teams while Miller’s division only has five teams (sans Nebraska) to fight for the divisional crown. But that’s okay, there are two ‘gimme games’ in the Deace Division.
The Days of What-Could-Have-Been-Past Championship Games along with regular season matchups in are as follows:
Year . Deace . . . . . . . . Miller . . . . . . . . .(Regular Season Game)
93 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Wisconsin . . . . . 14-14 @Wis
94 . . .Penn State . . . . .Wisconsin . . . . . DNP
95 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Northwestern . . . DNP
96 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Northwestern . . . DNP
97 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Purdue . . . . . . . .DNP
98 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Wisconsin . . . . . .DNP
99 . . .Mich State . . . . .Wisconsin . . . . . . @MSU 17 Wis 42
00 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Purdue . . . . . . . . @Mich 31 Pur 32
01 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Illinois . . . . . . . . @Mich 45 ILL 20
02 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Iowa . . . . . . . . . only time two 8-0 teams
03 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Purdue . . . . . . . . @Mich 31 Pur 3
04 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Iowa . . . . . . . . . @Mich 30 Iowa 17
05 . . .Penn State . . . . Northwestern . . . . @PSU 34 NW 29
06 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Wisconsin . . . . . . DNP
07 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Illinois . . . . . . . . @OSU 21 ILL 28
08 . . .Penn State . . . . .Northwestern . . . .DNP
09 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Iowa . . . . . . . . . @OSU 27 Iowa 24 (OT)
The Big10 Conference Championship game appearances would break down this way.
Deace . . . . . . . . . . Miller
Ohio State -- 8 . . . .Wisconsin -- 5
Michigan ---- 5 . . . . NW -- 4
Penn State -- 3 . . . Iowa -- 3
Mich State -- 1. . . . Purdue -- 3
Minn/Ind -- 0 . . . . Illinois -- 2
With the Buckeyes run three of the last four years, their dominance is unquestioned. And not surprisingly, Ohio Sate and Michigan dominate the Deace division with 13 of 17 division crowns.
What would you say if I told you that one Big10 program has finished 13 of 17 years in the lower half of the Conference while the other program has finished in the upper half of the Big10 standings 15 of 17 years and yet they both would have had the same number of championship game appearances? Yeah, rub your eyes and read that again.
You know what I would say?
I would say that it sucks to be Penn State.
Mighty Penn State has nearly the same number of division crowns in the Deace division as Illinois would own in the Miller division. Yeah, ironic in a funny sorta way, huh?
Being in the Miller Division is where the action is and being away from Ohio State and Michigan gives more fun time to join the championship game. There is no denying it; it is better to away from the Buckeyes and Wolverines. Took a genius to figure that out, huh.
During the time span, the Deace division winners lost, at most, two conference games three times (1999-2001) while Miller division winners lost three games three times (‘94, ‘05, ‘08). The last two were default crowns given to Northwestern as the rest of the Miller teams were just not that good. Well, either that or as a HawkFan I have to say this: if Iowa doesn't lose close games to Northwestern those two seasons then give two more past psuedo-crowns to Iowa with 6-2 records.
The records of the division winners aren’t as lopsided as one might think. Okay, that’s wishful thinking. Miller’s winners had a better record three times, Deace winners eight times and six times both division winners ended the season with the same records.
Now it looks as lopsided as Grandma Jones after getting out of her rocking chair. Speaking of which . . . (using a Milleresque segue)
First, a cursory glance will reveal how cyclical the OSU-MICH series is. History may not repeat, but it certainly does enjoy ironies. Going back to prior days, Michigan is due for a Speedy recovery (perhaps even with Gonzalez at the helm), and OSU is due to fall a game or two a year. Andale o Alto!? No sabo? Pressar uno para Ingles.
Dos, those who think Ohio State and Michigan should be in separate divisions to set up the ultimate Big10 Championship Game, ummm, you should think again. During the 17 year span, OSU-MICH finished 1-2 only four times (’98, ’03, ’06, ’07). And another fun fact: excluding those 1-2 years, OSU-MICH finished within one game of each other only three other times.
The good news for the rest of the Big10 is that the OSU-MICH dominance isn’t a one-two punch. It’s uncommon for the Dynamic Duo to gang together and bully the conference. The bad news is whichever one KA-POWS the other, that one gets to KA-BOOM the conference.
Ten times the Big10 Championship would have been a rematch of a regular season game. That’s why I’m not thrilled with a proposed nine game schedule which gives even a bigger chance at a rematch. Yaaaaawwwwn!
In those 9 historical games, the Deace teams won 5 while the Miller teams won 3 (a tie in 1993). Yes, son, they used to play ties in college football. An odd twist of data is that the Deace division played 7 of the 9 games at home.
And since FOX is due to come out with a “Living in the 90’s” adult cartoon soon, let’s remove ancient history and look at just the last 10 years. The breakdown of championship game appearances could have looked like this.
Deace . . . . . . . . . . . Miller
Ohio State -- 4 . . . . . Iowa -- 3
Michigan -- 4 . . . . . . Illinois -- 2
Penn State -- 2 . . . . .NW -- 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Purdue -- 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wisconsin -- 1
In the current decade, the Deace division levels out between the Big2 (why was it exactly Gonzalez had to be hired?) and Wisconsin’s good run in the 90’s is more pronounced than I remembered. The Miller Division is still competitive over the last decade, but Wisconsin is chopped down to size. Yeeaaah! And it makes me wonder why Wisconsin-Iowa should not be a bigger rivalry. Sadly, in the Deace Division, remembering Penn State in memorable psuedo-Big10 championship games is like your great-grandparent trying to remember your kids' names. Speaking of which . . . (another Milleresque segue)
Would much more thought be given to Penn State if the Lions were born free to the Miller Division and Purdue were sent packing east? Would Joe Pa be the robber baron of the West?
Nope. Not even close. Make no mistake. Penn State would have won more Miller crowns than they would have in the Deace. But would PSU have become the OSU of the Miller Division? Well, take a look. Flip-flopping Penn State and Purdue makes the following championship game changes from those listed above.
Year . . Deace . . . . . . . . . Miller. . . . . . . . . Regular Season Games
94 . . . .Ohio State . . . . . . Penn State . . . . .OSU 14 @PSU 63
-No gain here. PSU won Deace before the flip. This change just adds another crown to the Buckeye total.
97 . . . .Michigan . . . . . . . .Penn State . . . . .Mich 37 @PSU 14
-Removes a crown from Wisconsin. Now I’m in happy valley, too.
05 . . . .Ohio State . . . . . . .Penn State . . . . OSU 14 . . . @PSU 17
-No gain here. PSU won Deace before the flop. This change just adds another crown to the Buckeye total.
08 . . . .Ohio State . . . . . . .Penn State . . . . @OSU 6 . . . PSU 13
-Removes a crown for NW. That’s okay. I’m really starting to dislike the Wildcats. That’s three regular season wins over OSU in what would be rematches of championship games.
00 . . . .Purdue . . . . . . . . . Northwestern . . . .Purd 41 . . . @NW 28
-Purdue wins Deace even after the switch from Miller. What? No Michigan, OSU, PSU, Wisconsin in this game? SweeeeeeeT!
03 . . . .Michigan . . . . . . . . Iowa . . . . . . . . .Mich 27 . . . @Iowa 30
-Moving Purdue gives Iowa the crown. On second thought: Iowa owns PSU, NW owns Iowa . . . things that make ya' go, 'hmmmmm'
So if the Lions growl enough to cause this divisional lineup, the championship game appearances would have looked like this. Number in ( ) would be appearances in the last decade.
Deace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miller
Ohio State -- 11 . .(6) . . . .Iowa ---------4 . . (4)
Michigan ----- 4 . .(3) . . . .Penn State -- 4 . . (2)
Purdue ------- 1 . (1) . . . .Wisconsin ---- 4 . . (1)
Mich St -------1 . .(0) . . . .NW ---------- 3 . . .(1)
Minn/Ind ------0 . . . . . . . .Illinois ------- 2 . . (2)
The equality of the Miller Division in the last 17 years would continue and the dominance of Ohio State would be more thuggish in the Deace Division. Moving PSU to Miller gives Iowa a better looking stat line. On second thought: Can we get PSU and NW to flip-flop?
Penn State might as well just stay out east and have short trips. Hey, PSU: Save yourself from Shatner commercials. Do some Saturday staycations. Just beat OSU and you’ll win the division, that’s all.
Speaking of not dominating the Miller Division . . . another Milleresque segue?
While lining up the divisions with Big10 teams is plausible for surmising championship game appearances, inserting Nebraska into the mix is pure speculation and one-upmanship. Okay. I’m good with that. The Big12 doesn’t play defense like the Big10. And I don’t think the Big12 is as tough as a proposed Big10 Miller division. I admit that those are biases. Or biasii. Whatever.
How would Nebraska do if lining up their Big8/Big12 conference records were compared to their Big10 Miller Division future rivals’ records? Below is what that lineup of championship games would have looked like. And in case of Tied Records, I used the final AP poll to determine division crowns (a couple could be written with pencil and not ink). I know, that’s not scientific or anything, but that is how the National Champion is determined. So using AP to determine a potential-past pseudo-Miller Division crown winner shouldn’t be a big leap into injustice.
Year . Deace . . . . . . . . Miller . . . . . . . . .(Final AP if tied)
93 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Nebraska
94 . . .Penn State . . . . .Nebraska
95 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Nebraska . . . . . Neb #1 . . NW #8
96 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Nebraska . . . . . Neb #6 . . NW #15
97 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Nebraska
98 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Wisconsin
99 . . .Mich State . . . . .Nebraska . . . . . Neb #3 . . Wis #4
00 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Nebraska . . . . . Neb #8 . . Pur #13
01 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Nebraska . . . . . Neb #8 . . ILL #12
02 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Iowa
03 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Purdue
04 . . .Michigan . . . . . . Iowa
05 . . .Penn State . . . . Northwestern
06 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Wisconsin
07 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Illinois
08 . . .Penn State . . . . .Northwestern
09 . . .Ohio State . . . . .Iowa . . . . . . . . Iowa #7 . . Neb #14
Big10 Championship Game breakdown with last decade in ( ):
Deace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miller__________
Ohio State --- 8 . . (4) . . .Nebraska --- 8 . . (2)
Michigan ----- 5 . . (4) . . .Iowa ------- 3 . . (3)
Penn State ---3 . . (2) . . . NW -------- 2 . . (2)
Mich State ---1 . . . . . . . .Wisconsin--- 2 . . (1)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illinois ------ 1 . . (1)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Purdue ----- 1. . .(1)
In the Delaney 17 span, Nebraska could have dominated the Miller Division like OSU did the Deace. Unlike OSU, however, Nebraska’s dominance is ancient history in college football. The last ten years, I believe, are more indicative of Nebraska's standing. And even those potential past crowns were early in the decade.
Dear Sam Cornhusker: since basically the graduation of the redshirt freshman class that entered the newly formed Big12 conference, the Nebraska program has been dethroned from top echelon of collegiate football.
You may not think that Big10 football is on par with Big12 football. Fine, live in your fantasy world. But you've had a tough time competing against one national program since joining the Big12, and you think you're going to line-dance into the Big10 and detassle a league with three national programs?
Remember that line about history? History does not repeat with time, but it certainly does rhyme.
Just ask Penn State.
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