Miller: The Wildcat Complex

Ugh. That brought back a lot of pain an emotional heartache while reading...I really hope that the problems from last week don't roll over to this week at NW. We all know KF has a history of getting his teams back on track after a loss or close call. I will still be nervous at 10:59 Saturday morning!
For once the intangibles seem to favor Iowa with the close loss last week, the feeling that NW has Iowa's number and the admission that Fitz really does hate Iowa. This should be plenty of motivation for the Hawks, something they always seem to lack in this series. Also, it's time for that pendulum of luck to swing our way in this series. I like our chances. Time for an old school beatdown of NW this Saturday!
"In the 1980′s, if Northwestern wasn’t the worst major conference football program in America, you could see it from there."

Nice shot at ISU Jon.
Fitz has only been there for three years right? I'd say he's got his revenge. Time for Ferentz to show who's boss.
Has Doyle really been doing that specifically this week for Northwestern? Or are you just assuming that?

I know he did something like that last year prior to the OSU game, where an OSU paper took some shots at Iowa.
Good read BTW

But it did bring back some horrible memories.

Jon, would you say that loss to NW in 2006 was the low point of the KF era? I think its a tie between that and the Western Michigan loss.
Good read BTW

But it did bring back some horrible memories.

Jon, would you say that loss to NW in 2006 was the low point of the KF era? I think its a tie between that and the Western Michigan loss.

NW game for me. In 2007, by then we knew what we had. In 2006, it was totally unrepresentative of Kirk Ferentz football.

2007 was a rebuilding year, and blocks were laid in the foundation for the future. 2006 was a total stripping down to the foundation of 2001
This should be plenty of motivation for the Hawks, something they always seem to lack in this series.

And yet, Ferentz's Iowa teams often never seemed motivated when playing McCarney's ISU teams, and McCarney also circled the game against Iowa every year, too.

And McCarney didn't have a serious hate for Iowa; he just went on the motivation of beating the in-state rival. Fitz is something else altogether.
Kirk does things pretty even keeled...and its worked. I think in this series its less about emotions and more about execution as of late.
Maybe it's coincidence, but I find it interesting that Fitzgerald hates Iowa for having a broken leg in a game against us that he thought was dirty.. Then in 2008, NW gets Shonn Greene out of the game with a helmet-to-helmet. 2009, they get Ricky Stanzi out of the game with an ankle injury.

Another "unfortunate injury" to a key player on our team this week, and I'll start thinking that maybe Fitzgerald's teams aren't exactly on the "up and up" when they play us, either.

After reading that article, it would suit me just fine if we beat them 70-0. I'm really starting to despise NW, both in football and in basketball. They've been a thorn in our sides far too often the past decade.
So, who injured Fitz in 1995?

It was after that game or the one the next year that I heard Barnett took exception to Hayden referring to his team as a good effort from your boys. The story, as it came out a few years later, was that Barnett thought that his players were men not boys and Hayden was slighting them.

I am just saying what I heard. I have never heard anything about the injury in 1995. That might make sense too. You have to have something to start a rivalry when one isn't there. I think the B10 would have been a lot more interesting through the years if Barnett had stayed. How many B10 titles/shares of titles did he win? Wasn't it three?

He's a pretty darn good coach. I am not so sure as to what kind of person he is, but he's a really good coach.
I don't remember Fitz's hit that broke his leg. Anyone have any have more info on it? Video?
Just curious...
Another article on this from Teddy Greenstein of the Chicago Tribune:
Does NU's Pat Fitzgerald really 'hate' Iowa? - Chicago Breaking Sports

It certainly makes you wonder that Barnett singled out Iowa to force a rivalry. Yeah, we had just gone to the Rose Bowl. But there's about no way in hell it would ever be reciprocated because we already had rivalries with ISU and Minnesota, if not also Wisconsin by that time.

It isn't a rivalry if only one side is into it.
Last year on the BTN show Big Ten and Beyond they had Barnett on as a guest. When the discussion turned to the 9-0 Iowa team Barnett when asked to comment could not bring himself to say anything nice about Iowa and just sat there like a horse's @ss.
You know what, PJHawk?

If Barnett would have commented on Iowa at 9-0 he probably would have said he thought NW would beat us. He would have looked like a genius.

Just because someone doesn't suck up to your favorite school doesn't make them a bad person or even an idiot. I get a kick out of people on this site that like someone until they write something that isn't as complimentary to Iowa as they would like. Then they are a turncoat.

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