Miller & Deace on Crazy CFB Weekend, Jamie Pollard Conspiracy

Heard you last night on the radio driving home from work jon and thought you were spot on with your comments about the clown town conspiracy. Zero evidence of it, zero motive (because really, who cares that much about ketchup and mustard for a conspiracy). Nice work

PS: voice wise it didn't sound like you at all. Didn't even think it was you. ????
i could certainly make an argument FOR the conspiracy. Both from the league's perspective and from an official's perspective.

But as soon as you throw out conspiracy, as he did, with such little motivation, it's a led zeppelin. I mean, they are going forward with the 8 official experiment, no?? ISU didn't stop anything....
I have a couple of comments:

Steve Deace is crazy to make the comment when he says agents are telling 75-100+ non-senior players "to get into the nfl pay system asap"/or he said something like that. Well there cant be agents talking to 75 or 100+ non-senior players because it is illegal. Yea, maybe a player or two has had some secret agent contact but not some high number of players. Maybe Deace meant these players are getting legal assistance from scouts etc about their draft or free agent ability. But not this many agent-player contacts.

And I also think Deace is a boob and as bad as Pollard because as soon as JM asked him about Pollard's conspiracy tirade Deace jumps the fence calling hawk fans the worst at seeing conspiracy theories. Just answer the question because Iowa's AD is not the one doing this. I would like to know what Deace's take on Pat Haden going down to the field and engaging the refs in the Stanford game. It is really bush league to cry in your spilled milk right after the game alleging a conspiracy.

But I do agree with what Deace said about league's and maybe officials even subliminally seeing the difference between their bell-weather teams and a low lying team like Iowa State. There might be some form of psychology at work to give the big guys the benefit of the calls.

But I go the other way and sometimes "see" what I think are officials giving the benefit of the doubt, more pushing and holding, to the weak sister. Any thoughts
Oh by the way, Deace just loves Michigan and maybe Mich ST which is why he hates the hawks. He probably couldnt root for the hawks because they are in the Big 10 and butt heads with his wolves. And he cant give the hawks any props.

In the podcast he said the hawk fans are the biggest whiners about officiating and maybe conspiracy theories but I dont know of any game that was so bad as Iowa vs Florida redux with the bad calls especially on the onside kick. The game was probably reviewed because so many people including the TV people saying the officiating was so bad that a rule was put in to have major conference officials work major conference bowl and non-conf matchups.

I do believe in the conspiracy theories/help the big boys aspect of the NBA. I watched a lot of NBA playoffs in the 60s-80s and the officiating was so bad, so out of nowhere with weird calls, that the game became unwatchable to me. Many people thought it was in the NBA's best interest to extend each series to up excitement, ratings, make more money, get the best playoff matchups. When it was finally found out that one if not more officials were crooked it did not surprise me at all.
Why do you think Lute Olson went after Jim Bain? Lute was so mad that he had seen enough of the poor officiating and downright favoritism towards the big boys of Indiana, Purdue, Mich, OSU.
So Deace takes a shot at Iowa fans while discussing the Jamie Pollard situation. I'm not sure how Iowa has ANYTHING IN THE WORLD to do with the Jamie Pollard situation. Can anyone enlighten me?

Jon, does it bother you that Steve Deace is insulting Iowa fans the way he is? You are one of the biggest Iowa fans of have a Hawkeye website, and that is how you make a living! You can't disassociate yourself from the demographic that he is describing and insulting. DOESN'T THAT **** YOU OFF that he says things like that????? You were chuckling the entire time he was ranting. Why was that funny to you?

Look, I've listened to a lot of these Podcasts. I listen to gain perspective that I may not have arrived at on my own. I'm not against differing viewpoints, but Jon you are getting completely run over by Deace on each and every Podcast. Just rename them "Jon Miller introduces his blow-hard, know-it-all friend Steve Deace" Podcast. That's basically what happens. I'm much more curious to hear what YOU have to say. I'd enjoy these podcasts a lot more if you brought in someone like Pat Harty, Rick Brown, Mike Hlas, etc....

Steve Deace is very controversial. He infuses a lot of his own beliefs (and political leanings) at the expense of insulting the majority of listeners (as he did on this podcast). He can be brash, rude and downright uncivil at times. He justifies this because he is a "Christian". He even mentions that in this podcast.

Look if he is a "Christian", then I need to find a different religion. I've got a lot of other adjectives that would better describe him.

I do respect that he is your friend and you have your reasons for that, but this is a Hawkeye Website for HAWKEYE FANS! Why in the world would you bring someone on here that insults us?
So Deace takes a shot at Iowa fans while discussing the Jamie Pollard situation. I'm not sure how Iowa has ANYTHING IN THE WORLD to do with the Jamie Pollard situation. Can anyone enlighten me?

Jon, does it bother you that Steve Deace is insulting Iowa fans the way he is? You are one of the biggest Iowa fans of have a Hawkeye website, and that is how you make a living! You can't disassociate yourself from the demographic that he is describing and insulting. DOESN'T THAT **** YOU OFF that he says things like that????? You were chuckling the entire time he was ranting. Why was that funny to you?

Look, I've listened to a lot of these Podcasts. I listen to gain perspective that I may not have arrived at on my own. I'm not against differing viewpoints, but Jon you are getting completely run over by Deace on each and every Podcast. Just rename them "Jon Miller introduces his blow-hard, know-it-all friend Steve Deace" Podcast. That's basically what happens. I'm much more curious to hear what YOU have to say. I'd enjoy these podcasts a lot more if you brought in someone like Pat Harty, Rick Brown, Mike Hlas, etc....

Steve Deace is very controversial. He infuses a lot of his own beliefs (and political leanings) at the expense of insulting the majority of listeners (as he did on this podcast). He can be brash, rude and downright uncivil at times. He justifies this because he is a "Christian". He even mentions that in this podcast.

Look if he is a "Christian", then I need to find a different religion. I've got a lot of other adjectives that would better describe him.

I do respect that he is your friend and you have your reasons for that, but this is a Hawkeye Website for HAWKEYE FANS! Why in the world would you bring someone on here that insults us?

I was certainly laughing at Deace. Hey I dont listen to many of these podcasts because I never liked listening to Deace. Deace has always used a lot of violent, wrongheaded metaphors and analogies for a born again Christian.

You can hear the butthurt in Deace's voice when he goes off on the hawk fans. The jealously, envy, hatred of Iowa just comes dripping through in his voice.

Good post Intimidator.
So Deace takes a shot at Iowa fans while discussing the Jamie Pollard situation. I'm not sure how Iowa has ANYTHING IN THE WORLD to do with the Jamie Pollard situation. Can anyone enlighten me?

Jon, does it bother you that Steve Deace is insulting Iowa fans the way he is? You are one of the biggest Iowa fans of have a Hawkeye website, and that is how you make a living! You can't disassociate yourself from the demographic that he is describing and insulting. DOESN'T THAT **** YOU OFF that he says things like that????? You were chuckling the entire time he was ranting. Why was that funny to you?

Look, I've listened to a lot of these Podcasts. I listen to gain perspective that I may not have arrived at on my own. I'm not against differing viewpoints, but Jon you are getting completely run over by Deace on each and every Podcast. Just rename them "Jon Miller introduces his blow-hard, know-it-all friend Steve Deace" Podcast. That's basically what happens. I'm much more curious to hear what YOU have to say. I'd enjoy these podcasts a lot more if you brought in someone like Pat Harty, Rick Brown, Mike Hlas, etc....

Steve Deace is very controversial. He infuses a lot of his own beliefs (and political leanings) at the expense of insulting the majority of listeners (as he did on this podcast). He can be brash, rude and downright uncivil at times. He justifies this because he is a "Christian". He even mentions that in this podcast.

Look if he is a "Christian", then I need to find a different religion. I've got a lot of other adjectives that would better describe him.

I do respect that he is your friend and you have your reasons for that, but this is a Hawkeye Website for HAWKEYE FANS! Why in the world would you bring someone on here that insults us?

I couldn't agree more. Deace is a fool and troll who cares about saying the most ridiculous things he can as LOUD as he can no matter the medium he is given to do it so he gets more attention. I have to question why anyone would talk to him much less willingly work with him.
there is a reason i don't listen to the podcasts - deace. he loves to take shots at iowa, early and often. if you don't like him, just don't listen.
Jamie Pollard is playing ISU fans like a fiddle! He knew what he was doing he knew he would get a fine...what else are they going to do to him nothing! What did it do for ISU...who’s talking about another losing year? no one...buys them another week where they should be able to get a win. ISU fans are so pumped right now because of that stunt it was a rally point.
Jamie Pollard is playing ISU fans like a fiddle! He knew what he was doing he knew he would get a fine...what else are they going to do to him nothing! What did it do for ISU...who’s talking about another losing year? no one...buys them another week where they should be able to get a win. ISU fans are so pumped right now because of that stunt it was a rally point.


Why else would he call it out and admit he knows it's wrong to do so. He's softening the blow of yet another loss. Just me makes me more mad that Iowa can still find a way to lose to them even though Iowa is a better program. Drop the ISU and UNI series and play tougher teams. Iowa plays to their opponent so usually whoever they play it'll be close so they could still beat tougher programs.
This is my favorite podcast out there and personally I like listening to Deace. He speaks his mind and to me it's interesting to get an outside perspective. I don't get why people are bothered by that. Maybe there's a history there, I don't know.

I think he was flat out wrong about Hawk fans complaining a lot though. In my mind it's the opposite. Nebraska is much worse for example. I remember when Nebraska fans thought there was a Big 12 conspiracy against them.

Also, big difference between the AD complaining and Joe Schmoe fan.

Why else would he call it out and admit he knows it's wrong to do so. He's softening the blow of yet another loss. Just me makes me more mad that Iowa can still find a way to lose to them even though Iowa is a better program. Drop the ISU and UNI series and play tougher teams. Iowa plays to their opponent so usually whoever they play it'll be close so they could still beat tougher programs.

Iowa will not be playing UNI starting very soon because the B1G 10 has rules coming into effect that members cannot play FCS teams like UNI.

I have been in favor of dumping the ISU game because it is so old, most of the games are a bore usually, so I would rather play arkansas, missou, Clemson, etc what ever home and home . I am all for some change and excitement. I would love to see the hawks beat missou or the razorbacks in back to back years.
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He should leave the public complaining to the fans. His should go directly to the Big 12 if he was actually serious about it. That's why it was just to please the fans and buy another week.
I personally don’t like Deace really don't agree with a lot of his view not just in sports. His voice to me is like finger nails on a chalk board. I am really hoping that he is not the person they are considering for an afternoon drive time show on KXNO.
Quick technical question: Whenever Deace talks in the podcasts, there's some clacking noise in the background. It sounds like a clicky keyboard or something. Is he gaming while these are recorded? Shaking up a paint marker? What's going on?
Deace is such a blow hard that much is a fact, he brings almost nothing to these pod casts except to try to rip on Iowa and Iowa fans as much as he can....nothing but a tool and a troll...Jon get rid of him and get somebody with a brain in there.

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