Micah Hyde INT today>his pick 6 vs Mizzou>take the knee or do a Harbaugh


Well-Known Member
The Bills just did the tip drill and Hyde got the pick. It reminded me of his pick 6 against Mizzou which I queued up for my wife to see again as we think it is just such a great, wild play with Clayborn chasing down the qb etc. And remember there was almost 5 minutes left in that game when the Hyde TD gave them the lead. Later with just under a minute to go Stanzi hit Reisner with the waggle short bootleg pass that went down to the Mizzou 1 yd line. Now I know the circumstances were a bit different between Kirk on that nite vs harbaugh in the last game vs the Hawks but Kirk did not try to force in a TD. The hawks were leading 27-24 with 45 seconds left in that game and I think they had Mizzou over the barrel as far as time outs go but the hawks took a couple of kneel downs. Other coaches, one of which is Harbaugh, would probably go for a td or really have to be talked out of it because they are just dicks and stupid.

Agree? What other coaches would do the opposite of Kirk at go for the TD in that situation as it could be said give a player a chance to get a TD in a bowl game.
It just depends I suppose. Flow of the game/opposing coach. Big lead or small? Backups in or not? Nobody knowing KF was surprised that he did that. (Reisner shoulda walked in the endzone on that dude ran right into the tackler when he had a blocker)

Just yesterday the Bengals were destroying the Ravens and were throwing the ball down field the whole 2nd half instead of just running the clock out. Supposedly Harbaugh was pissed about that. My thing is the games are 60 mins. Pros college no difference to me coaches are all getting big bucks. If you want to not get scored on then stop em. If you want to be nice to the other team then that's your coaching decision. But there's zero obligation to do so.

In college there's actually an argument to be made that you should run up the score when you can. It's a factor in how teams are rated. When Michigan pretty much ran it up on us they were trying to get that #1 seed so they coulda avoided playing GA to start with. It didn't work but it was a legit reason to be doing it anyway.
Always go for it. If they don’t like it make ‘em stop it.

The unwritten rule used to be when you had a good lead late in a game you only ran the ball to run clock and get out without any injuries. Many remember Iowa kicking the shit out of Sam Wyche's Indiana team and Fry letting 3rd string qb Corny Robinson or Robertson throwing the ball around. Wyche was very displeased but Fry said something like heck Corny had never played before and he just needed the the chance to throw the ball.

But now if you are playing a pretty good passing team and you have them down by 2 TDs that lead is not exactly safe.

Kirk did the right thing against Mizzou because if you can kneel down and dont and then fumble and have the ball go the other way then you are up for total ridicule.
The Bills just did the tip drill and Hyde got the pick. It reminded me of his pick 6 against Mizzou which I queued up for my wife to see again as we think it is just such a great, wild play with Clayborn chasing down the qb etc. And remember there was almost 5 minutes left in that game when the Hyde TD gave them the lead. Later with just under a minute to go Stanzi hit Reisner with the waggle short bootleg pass that went down to the Mizzou 1 yd line. Now I know the circumstances were a bit different between Kirk on that nite vs harbaugh in the last game vs the Hawks but Kirk did not try to force in a TD. The hawks were leading 27-24 with 45 seconds left in that game and I think they had Mizzou over the barrel as far as time outs go but the hawks took a couple of kneel downs. Other coaches, one of which is Harbaugh, would probably go for a td or really have to be talked out of it because they are just dicks and stupid.

Agree? What other coaches would do the opposite of Kirk at go for the TD in that situation as it could be said give a player a chance to get a TD in a bowl game.
Urban Meyer would go for it.
Complete d-bag.
My thought is if you get the ball to the opponents 1 yard line in a one possession game and can make it a two possession game you do it. If the goal is truly to run the clock out take the two score lead and let the other team deal with the clock.

I know the "safe" decision is to run the clock out or take as much time off of it while pinning them deep, like KF likes to do, but IMO it's harder to score twice then it is once and if you can't hold on to a 2 possession lead then that's on the coaches and the players and they didn't deserve to win to begin with.
My thought is if you get the ball to the opponents 1 yard line in a one possession game and can make it a two possession game you do it. If the goal is truly to run the clock out take the two score lead and let the other team deal with the clock.

I know the "safe" decision is to run the clock out or take as much time off of it while pinning them deep, like KF likes to do, but IMO it's harder to score twice then it is once and if you can't hold on to a 2 possession lead then that's on the coaches and the players and they didn't deserve to win to begin with.

In the case of the Insight Bowl game against Mizzou I mentioned in the original post that the hawks could just take a knee once or twice and end the game. There was no chance of Mizzou getting the ball back if the hawks took a knee.

Various games have different situations. The game I mentioned against Indiana when Fry was coaching there were minutes of game clock when the 3rd string qb came in. Hawks had a huge lead but as Fry said the 3rd string qb should get some throws in to get some tape on him.

It was only about 6-7 years ago that Wisky put 70+ on Nebby in the Big Champ game and they were just running the ball late in the game but Nebby couldnt stop them so run or pass, as others have said, you just need to stop them. Granted you can also just run QB sneaks to use up time and not score, hahahahaha
To me, I think of which is more likely, we fumble and they get the ball back and score or we score and they get it, score, recover the onside, and score again. Either way it's not likely. If it's against someone like Fleck, I would say we run a play. If we don't score, use our timeouts since we can't take them with us.

We could do like we did earlier in the season and take 2 knees, run a bad play, and kick the FG and hope our defense can hold them.

A part of me says taking a knee is rubbing it in more than scoring. It's like staring them in the face and saying "yeah, we can score again on your candy asses, but won't because you're a bunch of pussies".

In the case of that bowl game, I wouldn't care either way. Score if you want because we'll never have to deal with them again.