McNutt and Greene

McNutt - WRs coach
Greene - RBs coach

Might be wishful thinking, but shoot, that'd be something.
What is Greene doing these days?? His career ended in a thud and didn't he get in trouble for something at the end of his career? McNutt was just named the HC for some small league of some kind I think in CR I thought...
^^^ Correct. He was just recently named head coach of the Cedar Rapids Titans indoor football league team. Their season starts next month, I think?
Greene got arrested back in 2014. He parked in a handicapped spot, and when a parking cop (who wasn't actually a cop) tried to cite him for it he drove around her car and took off. Apparently he got busted for resisting arrest because even though the lady wasn't a sworn officer she had some sort of legal authority in that situation.
Greene got arrested back in 2014. He parked in a handicapped spot, and when a parking cop (who wasn't actually a cop) tried to cite him for it he drove around her car and took off. Apparently he got busted for resisting arrest because even though the lady wasn't a sworn officer she had some sort of legal authority in that situation.
I hadn't heard that. Did he at least ask her "Don't you know who I am?"
Greene got arrested back in 2014. He parked in a handicapped spot, and when a parking cop (who wasn't actually a cop) tried to cite him for it he drove around her car and took off. Apparently he got busted for resisting arrest because even though the lady wasn't a sworn officer she had some sort of legal authority in that situation.
Gotcha I thought it was a pretty petty deal but couldn't remember. I'd heard about it at the time just one of those things that wasn't going to stick in my memory bank.
Neither one of these guys would be a good idea at this stage to be in a leadership role like that. Maybe give them a shot as a GA or something to see how the work but I think it would end badly for all involved.
Gotcha I thought it was a pretty petty deal but couldn't remember. I'd heard about it at the time just one of those things that wasn't going to stick in my memory bank.
I agree that illegally parking in a handicapped zone at first seems quite petty. You might reconsider however, if you have had similar experiences as I. Both my parents are deceased. My father in 1990, and my mother in 2004. Both were in wheelchairs the last 3-4 years of their lives. On occasion I would drive them to the mall or grocery store and many times searched in vain for an available handicapped parking space. Many times I witnessed a car parked in a handicapped space and very healthy 20 somethings getting out of the car and walking briskly towards the store. Their total disrespect for handicapped people might seem like it is petty, but I believe rather it is an example of a self centered, narcissistic attitude.
Greene got arrested back in 2014. He parked in a handicapped spot, and when a parking cop (who wasn't actually a cop) tried to cite him for it he drove around her car and took off. Apparently he got busted for resisting arrest because even though the lady wasn't a sworn officer she had some sort of legal authority in that situation.

Well, then Shonn should be our WR least he has shown the skill to get around someone and into the open.
Greene got arrested back in 2014. He parked in a handicapped spot, and when a parking cop (who wasn't actually a cop) tried to cite him for it he drove around her car, but should have ran over her and took off. Apparently he got busted for resisting arrest because even though the lady wasn't a sworn officer she had some sort of legal authority in that situation.
I agree that illegally parking in a handicapped zone at first seems quite petty. You might reconsider however, if you have had similar experiences as I. Both my parents are deceased. My father in 1990, and my mother in 2004. Both were in wheelchairs the last 3-4 years of their lives. On occasion I would drive them to the mall or grocery store and many times searched in vain for an available handicapped parking space. Many times I witnessed a car parked in a handicapped space and very healthy 20 somethings getting out of the car and walking briskly towards the store. Their total disrespect for handicapped people might seem like it is petty, but I believe rather it is an example of a self centered, narcissistic attitude.
I use the mother-in-laws handicapped tag all the time, no big deal.
I agree that illegally parking in a handicapped zone at first seems quite petty. You might reconsider however, if you have had similar experiences as I. Both my parents are deceased. My father in 1990, and my mother in 2004. Both were in wheelchairs the last 3-4 years of their lives. On occasion I would drive them to the mall or grocery store and many times searched in vain for an available handicapped parking space. Many times I witnessed a car parked in a handicapped space and very healthy 20 somethings getting out of the car and walking briskly towards the store. Their total disrespect for handicapped people might seem like it is petty, but I believe rather it is an example of a self centered, narcissistic attitude.
You sure won't get an argument over me on any of that. There's very good reason for those that do that to get in trouble for it. I bet your right that usually it's kids that abuse that. Which makes a person like Greene doing it way more inexcusable. It's petty in comparison to what most NFL players that get in trouble with the law usually are doing. But those that pull that stunt deserve fines and public ridicule for sure.

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