McCarney and Henderson


Well-Known Member
This board cannot have too many Seantrel Henderson threads can it? At least Dan McCarney is in this one :)


BTW Sean Henderson looks like a real piece of work:
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I think Sean Henderson said something in the newspaper about "if the pants don't fit, we won't committ". I might be thinking about something else.
Is Dan wearing a tie with ISU colors on it?... He must still bleed that dirty cardinal and gold.
McCarney's pants clearly don't fit. There's their problem.

No, that's a new style down in Gaynesville. They are basically clamdiggers, but the UF yokels call 'em Tebowz - they are cut short, up the calf, to allow messianic football types to wade cleanly through the layers of dirty sycophants that litter the streets down there.
Is that Pee Wee McCarney in the picture? Come on Dan you should be able to afford a tailor! Nice #1 sign by Seantrel's dad, surprised that he isn't flashing some hundred dollar bills...
No, that's a new style down in Gaynesville. They are basically clamdiggers, but the UF yokels call 'em Tebowz - they are cut short, up the calf, to allow messianic football types to wade cleanly through the layers of dirty sycophants that litter the streets down there.

Is that the father to the left? Nah, he doesn't look arrogant or like he would be a pain in the butt.
I wish we could get Mac back at Iowa in some capacity, once a hawk always a hawk. Well, except for Bielema, **** that guy.
I live in the Twin Cities and a guy at work has seen Sean Henderson's act at a CDH game, let’s just say he sounds worse than Jeff Christensen. BTW another rumor up here is that Sean Henderson wants to break into the music industry (rapper of course) hence the fact they want Seantrel out in Los Angeles.
I don't think the Sean & Seantrel Henderson story is going to end happily. The father is too nutty.
If the kid gets some separation, he might make a boat-load of $$$ some day, but the dad? He's doomed by his ego and greed.
Wow...Sean really does look like a piece of work. Nice to know his quotes fit the persona. I'm sure Sean already contacted Reggie Bush's wanna be agent for some love.
Is that Pee Wee McCarney in the picture? Come on Dan you should be able to afford a tailor! >>

His F$#*ing daughter dressed him
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At least Dan showed up in dress clothes. Seantrel looks like he rolled out of bed and put on the first thing he stepped on. If you're going to make a coach wait an hour and a half while you get your hair done, at least dress well too.

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