Maybe not a QB at next level but...


Well-Known Member

Surely there's a place for a big athletic kid like that who can move like he can at the D1 isn't there? He's getting pretty darn good grades and seems to not be a problem child by any means. Is it strictly because he goes to a middle of the pack Indiana HS and hadn't been going to all those camps for coaches to 'evaluate' him. I hate seeing kids like him slip through the cracks. There's still time for him and I hope he finds a good fit. Again no chance he'll play QB but come on we've taken plenty of 'projects' over the years with less potential than he does...
Would make an interesting prospect at FB. Imagine this guy blocking for ya. And occasionally run in short yardage situations! If he came to Iowa, I could see him dropping 50 lbs. to improve his speed and mobility. But still, a 300 lb. FB would still be a unmovable force. And if he didnt make it as a FB, would still make for a very sizable OL or DL project. We could take a chance on a kid like this. Send his profile to Iowa’s lead recruiters email address.
Jared Lorenzen part 2.
