Mark Cuban to take down the BCS

I've been saying that 8 is the right number, but I could see 12

I think 16 is way too many and renders the regular season less meaningful

If it is 12 you take every conference champ and the best at-large or independent team. However, if I were in charge I'd put stipulations on the conference champ qualifications. To get an auto-bid the conference has to have at least 10 teams, and the champ can have no more than 3 losses.
Couple of things Mark Cuban has proven over the years:

1. He's a doo-sh.
2. Having billions doesn't make you less of a doo-sh.
3. Throwing money at something doesn't make it successful.
4. Having the money to do something doesn't make it the right thing.

Also, of all people to claim that people feel the same way as you...Really Mark Cuban? Really? You have money, that's all. You must be smart in some realm, but it apparently isn't athletics.

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