Mark Cuban thinks four, 16-team leagues is bad idea

It's a terrible idea. I think it's media types (and dumber fans) who are pushing for this.

Cosign. Two 8 team divisions combined with a 9 game conference schedule (I'll go ahead and assume 16 team conference won't come into being until 2017) means no Wisconsin, Penn State, MSU, etc..on the schedule. You think waiting 3 seasons to get another crack at Wisconsin is a long time, imagine only seeing Wisconsin on the home schedule once every 6 years.
I agree that this will not be good for football. It might be good for TV ratings, but overall not great for college athletics and fans.

And I'm not just saying that as a Cyclone, who potentially has a lot to lose.

I just don't typically advocate radical changes for systems that are working so well currently. I think major college football is already so good, that we should change very slowly because there is more room for downside risk, than there is for upside potential, IMO.
And I care what Mark Cuban thinks because.....?

Add me to this list to....Cuban is a smart cat, 10 times smarter than I am, however his opinion on this is about as meaningful as mine.

It is like going to Charles Barkley about stuff that has nothing to do with the NBA.
16 team conferences are doomed for failure. There already was one in college football, it lasted 3 years. You can't merge teams with different cultures, traditions and values and expect it to work. Shoot that is why the Big XII is in the trouble they are in today! I am just shocked at how many people have accepted 16 team conferences as the next progression for college football. It will be a sad day if that comes true.
Add me to this list to....Cuban is a smart cat, 10 times smarter than I am, however his opinion on this is about as meaningful as mine.

It is like going to Charles Barkley about stuff that has nothing to do with the NBA.

Really? Let's see Mark Cuban is a billionaire who got his billions by building a company that broadcast audio of sports matches on the Internet. Just because he's an NBA owner doesn't mean the guy doesn't know about other sports and he sure as hell knows how to run a business. You think he doesn't know how the TV executives think? His opinion matters and most importantly, makes a lot of sense.
4 super conferences with conference championship games are compatible with the bowl system, and they also create a natural playoff system. Think of each super conference like it is one of the regions in an NCAA Basketball Tournament Bracket. The 4, super conference championship game winners will make up the Final Four: Big Ten vs PAC 16 in the Rose Bowl and SEC vs (whoever is left from the ACC-Big East) in the Sugar Bowl. The Rose Bowl Champion plays the Sugar Bowl Champion in a plus-one game for the NCAA Championship. With this format there is no need for a playoff. If you want to add more teams, add them 2 at a time to create 18 or 20 team conferences with 8, 9, or 10 team divisions each, depending on how big you want the conferences to grow. You will still have 4 conference championship game winners in the Final Four.
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Really? Let's see Mark Cuban is a billionaire who got his billions by building a company that broadcast audio of sports matches on the Internet. Just because he's an NBA owner doesn't mean the guy doesn't know about other sports and he sure as hell knows how to run a business. You think he doesn't know how the TV executives think? His opinion matters and most importantly, makes a lot of sense.

The economy? Yes. The stock market? Absolutely. Realignment? No. There are a lot of people who know how TV execs think it does not mean I need everyone of their opinions.
4 super conferences with conference championship games are compatible with the bowl system, and they also create a natural playoff system. Think of each super conference like it is one of the regions in an NCAA Basketball Tournament Bracket. The 4, super conference championship game winners will make up the Final Four: Big Ten vs PAC 16 in the Rose Bowl and SEC vs (whoever is left from the ACC-Big East) in the Sugar Bowl. The Rose Bowl Champion plays the Sugar Bowl Champion in a plus-one game for the NCAA Championship. With this format there is no need for a playoff. If you want to add more teams, add them 2 at a time to create 18 or 20 team conferences with 8, 9, or 10 team divisions each, depending on how big you want the conferences to grow. You will still have 4 conference championship game winners in the Final Four.

this would also lead to less and less undefeated teams (or the shot at going undefeated). even fewer 1 loss teams. NCAA should rule that conferences cannot be bigger than 14 teams

Please explain your theory. I am interested in hearing about alternative solutions to what is currently in place. It doesn't seem fair that teams can now play for a National Championship without having to play a conference championship game.
They are going to superconferences with or without my permission.

The only thing I think would be great about the superconference is that the clowns will end up on the outside looking in, which is where they belong.

Instead of playing all the teams in one division, how about just setting up a schedule where a team plays within and outside the division. Some years they might play as many teams outside the division as they do inside..

Just saying...there are probably ways to get around not playing a team for 6 years. All the commissioner needs to do is think outside the box.

I don't know if it is a bad idea or not but if that is where the money is, superconference it will be.
Really? Let's see Mark Cuban is a billionaire who got his billions by building a company that broadcast audio of sports matches on the Internet. Just because he's an NBA owner doesn't mean the guy doesn't know about other sports and he sure as hell knows how to run a business. You think he doesn't know how the TV executives think? His opinion matters and most importantly, makes a lot of sense.

His opinion doesn't matter one bit. He's right, but his opinion carries no weight whatsoever with the people driving the bus on this. Therefore it's meaningless.

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