Marc Maggard


Well-Known Member
Not that it really matters anymore, but here's a take from a UK fan about Marc Maggard. Yes, he's the guy who wound everyone up on Forbes.

Post #6992
In a van . . . down by the river.

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Re: Ok boilers7740 and Marc Maggard...Reply Do yourselves a favor and ignore the guy that most UK fans know as "The ******" or "The Blind Squirrel" a/k/a Marc Maggard. The guy is one of the biggest frauds going -- maybe worse than Clark 'In the Dark' Francis. Why am I not surprised to find him searching out credibility in the dusty crevices of an Iowa Hawkeyes message board. In my "very informed opinion", Maggard is a pathetic loser...but that's just me...actually, it's not just me, it's anyone who has had the misfortune of reading his internet junk for years...


Posted on 3/26 10:12 PM | IP: Logged
Not that it really matters anymore, but here's a take from a UK fan about Marc Maggard. Yes, he's the guy who wound everyone up on Forbes.

Post #6992
In a van . . . down by the river.

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Re: Ok boilers7740 and Marc Maggard...Reply Do yourselves a favor and ignore the guy that most UK fans know as "The ******" or "The Blind Squirrel" a/k/a Marc Maggard. The guy is one of the biggest frauds going -- maybe worse than Clark 'In the Dark' Francis. Why am I not surprised to find him searching out credibility in the dusty crevices of an Iowa Hawkeyes message board. In my "very informed opinion", Maggard is a pathetic loser...but that's just me...actually, it's not just me, it's anyone who has had the misfortune of reading his internet junk for years...


Posted on 3/26 10:12 PM | IP: Logged

I'd suggest you ignore opinions about me you find on Catspause..... most of those people are idiots I've banned from my UK site because they are morons. That's the worst UK site on the planet..... the posters are usually 14 years old and do nothing but trash other schools and fans.

I post using my REAL name on every site I go to. I do that for a reason. I'm not hard to find. It's pretty easy for some nameless screen name to post some ridiculous "facts" about someone..... believe what you want.....

Marc is correct about catspause. Spend some time over there and your IQ will drop 40 points. They have some good posters but the vast majority of them are delusional clowns.
Well Marc....sorry, but I find it VERY odd that you have spent the last 2 weeks posting on 3 different Hawkeye sites.....VERY odd. I'm sure you'd like me to believe that you just had the best interest in Iowa at heart, but I'm not buying it....sorry.

I'm sure tons of people have come in contact with Steve Forbes, but you were the only one who spent 2 weeks peppering 3 different sites with your opinions.

What makes it ever more strange, Kentucky was still playing basketball and I think a lot of people thought they were going to win it all. I'm sure there were plenty of reasons to write info about UK, but again you came to 3 Hawkeye sites and spent your time posting comments about Forbes.

Sorry Marc, I'd like to believe you just want what's best for Iowa and all of us fans, but I'm not buying it. IMO, I think your attempt was nothing more and nothing less than a self promoting move on your part.
Well Marc....sorry, but I find it VERY odd that you have spent the last 2 weeks posting on 3 different Hawkeye sites.....VERY odd. I'm sure you'd like me to believe that you just had the best interest in Iowa at heart, but I'm not buying it....sorry.

I'm sure tons of people have come in contact with Steve Forbes, but you were the only one who spent 2 weeks peppering 3 different sites with your opinions.

What makes it ever more strange, Kentucky was still playing basketball and I think a lot of people thought they were going to win it all. I'm sure there were plenty of reasons to write info about UK, but again you came to 3 Hawkeye sites and spent your time posting comments about Forbes.

Sorry Marc, I'd like to believe you just want what's best for Iowa and all of us fans, but I'm not buying it. IMO, I think your attempt was nothing more and nothing less than a self promoting move on your part.

I actually really liked what marc maggard brought to the table and I'm glad he took some time to post. Why does it matter if he had the best intentions of Hawk fans at heart? I don't think he ever said he did, he was just posting information. Also, I'm not sure what you think he was promoting? Did you feel like he was trying to somehow trick all of us in to using his site? I'm just not sure where youre coming from with this.
I actually really liked what marc maggard brought to the table and I'm glad he took some time to post. Why does it matter if he had the best intentions of Hawk fans at heart? I don't think he ever said he did, he was just posting information. Also, I'm not sure what you think he was promoting? Did you feel like he was trying to somehow trick all of us in to using his site? I'm just not sure where youre coming from with this.

Oh, CUN3, you and your wacky rational logic!
2boys you are the biggest clown on this board. Get a life and quit attacking someone who has come over and given opinions about candidates.

That being said. Marc, what do you think about the hire? Do you think Fran can recruit here?
I actually really liked what marc maggard brought to the table and I'm glad he took some time to post. Why does it matter if he had the best intentions of Hawk fans at heart? I don't think he ever said he did, he was just posting information. Also, I'm not sure what you think he was promoting? Did you feel like he was trying to somehow trick all of us in to using his site? I'm just not sure where youre coming from with this.


Thanks for helping to keep it exciting Marc!
2boys you are the biggest clown on this board. Get a life and quit attacking someone who has come over and given opinions about candidates.

That being said. Marc, what do you think about the hire? Do you think Fran can recruit here?

+1, at least he is putting his real name out there, how about you 2boys where is your real name to see if you have any credibility?
I don't care if you like me or not. All I'm saying is I think it's very interesting that a mod from UK visits 3 Iowa sites to lobby for an assistant coach at UT. I'm sorry if that doesn't strike anyone else as a little strange.

I can't imagine Jon, Rob or Tom from any of the Iowa sites running to an Arkansas board promoting an assistant coach from Minnesota. Especially while Iowa was making a run to the elite 8.

I just have a hunch there is a lot more to this than any of us will ever know. Sorry if I offended any of you.
+1, at least he is putting his real name out there, how about you 2boys where is your real name to see if you have any credibility?

Exactly Scott. 2boys, if I went to your World of Warcraft message boards I guarantee there would be a few people who think that your mom's basement stinks or something. Some people are just negative. I'm sure your room smells fine.
I don't care if you like me or not. All I'm saying is I think it's very interesting that a mod from UK visits 3 Iowa sites to lobby for an assistant coach at UT. I'm sorry if that doesn't strike anyone else as a little strange.

I can't imagine Jon, Rob or Tom from any of the Iowa sites running to an Arkansas board promoting an assistant coach from Minnesota. Especially while Iowa was making a run to the elite 8.

I just have a hunch there is a lot more to this than any of us will ever know. Sorry if I offended any of you.

Maybe he's just a fan of college basketball in general, and therefore finds things like head coaching vacancies at major conference programs compelling enough to warrant posting at the fansites of the university in question.

You seem to be suggesting there is some sort of ulterior motive in play here. So what is it?
HAHAHA! Nice avatar Bucket! We just had a nerf basketball shooting contest on Friday afternoon at my office and somehow we got to talking about Teen Wolf. "Give me...a keg.....of beer" got dropped quite quickly. As well as "SHOOT IT FAT BOY!!!!!!"

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