Manzell = Tebow Pt II


Well-Known Member
Please tell me I am not the only one who can see this?!? I know ESPN is blinded for sure (which shouldn't be surprising) - they were talking about him at length this AM on ESPNRadio & talking about how he needs to be drafted by a "creative" HC/OC that will tailor their system to his playing style! Are you freaking serious?!? He's basically learning the right way to throw a football and you're going to blow a high draft pick on him and "tailor you system" around him???

I'm not sure why people - SMART people, like NFL coaches/GMs - can't see these situations for what they are. Manzell is a late rounder & let him simmer as a 2 or 3 QB for a couple years to see if he puts anything together. If he goes as a high pick, I will facepalm right through my forehead! (though thankfully McDaniels is not in Den anymore, so we should be safe here)
I think Manzell throws ALOT better ball than Teblow EVER did....
Could say they both thrived in college not being under center. But maziel has much better mechanics and arm strength.
I'll agree he's better than Tebow in some respects, but this kid still has crash 'n' burn written all over him.

Repackage his skill set in a bruising frame (a la Cam Newton) and then I think you've got something, but with his body size? Hell no.

The reason he gets so much attention is because of his "X-factor" (the ability to make magic happen) - that's where I draw the strong Tebow parallel (we saw what Tebow's "X-factor" was worth in the League - jack squat!)
Im not saying hes drew Brees but didnt they say he wouldnt cut it due to size too? He will be better than ponder and the weedens of the recent fails, imo.

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