Man Up Hawk Fans: Badgers won straight up


Well-Known Member
I don't want to hear the phrase "Iowa beat themselves" this week.

The Badgers won the game straight up. They played well enough in ALL FACETS of the game in order to pull out the victory.

Iowa DID NOT play well enough in ALL FACETS of the game.

Wisconsin deserves massive props for executing in the clutch and pulling out the victory.

I absolutely hate it that Iowa lost ... and it stings even more because it was a loss to Wisky ... however, the truth must be recognized.

Congrats to Wisconsin fans. Definitely a sweet victory for them.
Wiscy played well and did what they needed to do. Nothing against them. We held them well below their rushing average and got a turn over and they still pulled it out.
If we had good special teams, we win this game.. Wisconsin earned the W, but we definitely shot ourselves in the foot in some facets of the game. That's undeniable.
I don't want to hear the phrase "Iowa beat themselves" this week.

The Badgers won the game straight up. They played well enough in ALL FACETS of the game in order to pull out the victory.

Iowa DID NOT play well enough in ALL FACETS of the game.

Wisconsin deserves massive props for executing in the clutch and pulling out the victory.

I absolutely hate it that Iowa lost ... and it stings even more because it was a loss to Wisky ... however, the truth must be recognized.

Congrats to Wisconsin fans. Definitely a sweet victory for them.

Don't be that ****** bag...
No **** they won, but our coaches didnt give us a chance to win at the end...
Agreed. It just stings so bad. They did to us what we did to other teams multiple time last year. I don't know if it would have made the loss any easier, but we didn't even give ourselves a chance at the end. KF will take the blame because thats the stand up guy he. I will always love this team I just wish they would finish games when they have the chance...It Just Hurts....

Let's get a win next week and keep pushin....
They desreved to win and we deserved to lose. 5-6 key blunders and no kicking game. At least Donahue finally had a few punts. No team wins at a ligh level without a kicker or good special teams.
I haven't disagreed with you often this season Homer but we left 4 points on the field. They didn't take them from us. Our mistakes led to a Wisconsin win. We were outcoached in this game. I fell dirty typing that.
Agreed homer, but that wont stop a bunch of myopic fans from trying to throw blame around and looking like jack holes in the process.
Homer, I respectfully disagree. KF and staff GAVE BB this game:

1) At the end of the first half I told all that would listen that the TO coming off an incompletion and the coaching staff's ignorance and not having a "reviewable play" play in the play book, on the first TD drive was nitpicky, but that this IOWA staff has a history of bad decisions in clock management and not getting plays off when the previous is potentially reviewable.

2) BOTH of these tendencies cost us in the second half. The completion to Morse on the first drive and the initial spot was a gift, instead of getting to the line and running a play, KOK and KF sat around and thought about it, and wasted 30 seconds which ultimately led to a reversal of a first down, a 3 and out and a TD given up. The TO WASTED at the end of the game is a mistake a $1,000,000 a year coach makes.

3) You add to that, NOT ONE PLAYER looked into the backfield on the fake punt, the combination of these things put the game in a box, wrapped in pretty paper, under a tree.

For $3M the fans and University deserve better.
Wisconsin played like a Championship team. They're way more aggressive and WANT to dominate. Iowa has more talent, but they don't have the heart to dominate..

Iowa: LOST
Wisconsin WON

Wisconsin is a legitimate team, and played like a Championship team today. We just, I don't know, Capital One Bowl? Woo!
I thought the D-line was supposed to stop the running game?! Clay ran all over them!

Clay was averaging 6ypc comming in. We held him to 3.8 ypc. You are either very misinformed or have an astonishing lack of perspective.
Good game to the Badgers. They deserved the win. Hard fought game. I hope they win out and go to the Rose Bowl.

You are an idiot.


Carry on.

Show me another coach who gets paid what KF does that has his history of coaching errors in the clutch and I will acquiesce. The fact is there isn't another school, organization, or fanbase that accepts the mediocrity that this one does.
Don't be that ****** bag...
No **** they won, but our coaches didnt give us a chance to win at the end...

I'm kinda with you on knowledgable as homerhawkeye1977 is the holier than thou crap can be annoying at times.
Are you out of your mind? After giving up a blocked extra point, bad snap on a field goal, offsides on a kickoff, a fake punt, and horrible clock management by a 5th year senior quarterback we only lost by a point. Of course we gave them the game!!!!
Show me another coach who gets paid what KF does that has his history of coaching errors in the clutch and I will acquiesce. The fact is there isn't another school, organization, or fanbase that accepts the mediocrity that this one does.

Les Miles- he just gets luckier. Second Ferentz is worth every dime. Iowa football pays the freight for every other sports program because of sustained success. Ferentz has earned every dime and does more good with his money than you can imagine. Find a new angle disgruntled fans.

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