Lucky we didn't get rolled by 21+


Well-Known Member
We have some issues in the back end period. Our DL does not get pressure true. But Miller in the first drive simply does not have the speed to stick with a guy one on one, this has to be addressed in spread situations on third and goal he shoud come out and another corner perhaps Castillo or Buforrd or whoever can cover one on one. We have seen Miller be a target in those situations numerous times now. If I am the OC of another team near our goal line I am looking to that match up all day. Miller does well in zone coverage, but in man to man he is a fish out of water.

Donnatell cannot be the solution at Safety if Jantz would have been on target with those long throws there are at least 2 more TDs. Law may make a few mistakes and cost us some point, but I have to believe he has the footspeed to stickk with guys on deep balls. Honestly the corners played solid as for the most part did the LB's but the safety play was supprisingly bad in pass coverage, yes Donatell made a nice play with the pick, but if you watch the game again that is about all good you could say about it. There is a reason he played some OLB last year, because that is what his speed allows. If we continue to line up the way we have against QB's that can make those throws we are going to get beat often and that scared the sh## out of me.

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