
I'm sure they'll want to fire there head coach now.Lets see what they have to say now,I'm sure they will have plenty of excuses.
Their next game is against Jacksonville so Les Miles will be "strict" and suspend him for one game. The fact that Les Miles was trying to defend Boute after the game is disgusting. That hit deserves a minimum two game suspension.
I just saw it once, and only the narrow shot. Is it possible that Boutte did not know the Wisconsin player was down? The way he got up and sprinted towards the end-zone, he may have thought he was still a live runner. Obviously I do not know if that was the case, but it seems possible.
I just saw it once, and only the narrow shot. Is it possible that Boutte did not know the Wisconsin player was down? The way he got up and sprinted towards the end-zone, he may have thought he was still a live runner. Obviously I do not know if that was the case, but it seems possible.

Looks like Miles is thinking the same thing:

Boutte's reaction after the play did not make it look like he was looking to take out frustration. He did not have the "take on all comers" sort of attitude or posture you would expect from someone who decided to level an all-time cheap shot at the end of a loss.
I take it the refs didn't blow their whistles when he went down?

The OL is a long way from where the interception took place, the crowd is roaring, it could be easy to miss. Only the player in question really knows, but it looked more like he was acting confused more than anything.
You think someone from the sec will be penalized for anything? I doubt it if he will. Those a$$es get away with anything! That was a total cheapshot!

Oh, he'll be penalized. He will get a stern look when he collects his game money. They might even point at him and frown. His feelings will be terribly hurt.
I just saw it once, and only the narrow shot. Is it possible that Boutte did not know the Wisconsin player was down? The way he got up and sprinted towards the end-zone, he may have thought he was still a live runner. Obviously I do not know if that was the case, but it seems possible.
It's possible if he is not very bright, which is also very possible.