LSU PLayer knocks out woman, back on the team

He knocked out a person. Women are running around yelling for equal rights and feminism is apparently this huge thing right now so why do most men continue to think and act of them as lesser people?

What would have happened to him initially if he punched a man? Would he even have been suspended at all? Probably not.
You sound like a wife beater to me. If I ever was around you and saw you lay a hand on a woman, who indeed are equals to men, you would be in intensive care for a long time
You sound like a wife beater to me. If I ever was around you and saw you lay a hand on a woman, who indeed are equals to men, you would be in intensive care for a long time

Ohhh big man threatening someone over the internet. You obviously think of men as being better than women and not able to handle themselves.
Men are bigger, stronger and more physically imposing in most cases when lined up next to a woman. Especially male athletes that work out/lift weights on a daily basis. If you think women having equal rights also means they should have to take punches from "equal men" then you sir are a foolish person. I'm not being a tough guy I'm just speaking the truth. Hopefully any other real man would do the same.
If I punched somebody and knocked them out, I'd get charged with a lot more than misdemeanor simple battery.
Men are bigger, stronger and more physically imposing in most cases when lined up next to a woman. Especially male athletes that work out/lift weights on a daily basis. If you think women having equal rights also means they should have to take punches from "equal men" then you sir are a foolish person. I'm not being a tough guy I'm just speaking the truth. Hopefully any other real man would do the same.

What if I were a weaker man? That wouldn't be fair because you may be more physically imposing and work out and lift weights daily. Then it wouldn't be fair because we may not be "equal men". That's hypocritical.
You better stop Sparky. You are just digging deeper. Basically what you are saying is that since women are asking for equal rights then it shouldn't be a big deal if they get beat up by a man. And I'm saying you are wrong.

Hypocrite, really? I indeed may be bigger and stronger than you are, and yes it may not be a fair fight. But it is not the same as fighting a woman.
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You better stop Sparky. You are just digging deeper. Basically what you are saying is that since women are asking for equal rights then it shouldn't be a big deal if they get beat up by a man. And I'm saying you are wrong.

Hypocrite, really? indeed may be bigger and stronger than you are, and yes it may not be a fair fight. But it is not the same as fighting a woman.

Why not? Is it because you think that men are superior to women? That's what it sounds like you're saying.
He knocked out a person. Women are running around yelling for equal rights and feminism is apparently this huge thing right now so why do most men continue to think and act of them as lesser people?

What would have happened to him initially if he punched a man? Would he even have been suspended at all? Probably not.

You sound like a severely warped individual to me. Regardless if you punched someone, anyone, and knocked them out you will likely get charged with battery. It's not a gender specific law.
Why not? Is it because you think that men are superior to women? That's what it sounds like you're saying.
You are on the wrong side of this debate. I really hope you are not serious. Otherwise you are a piece of garbage and should go seek professional help.
Why not? Is it because you think that men are superior to women? That's what it sounds like you're saying.

Physiologically speaking men are superior to women. That's a fact. Are there some exceptions? Yes, of course there are, but if you took a poll with 50 random men and 50 random women and had them perform the same strength test I guarantee you the average result would be that almost all of the men were stronger than the women.

Comparing physical strength to women's rights and equality is pure stupidity. A boxer or MMA fighter can be charged with a more serious crime for beating someone up or killing them because his hands are considered a "deadly weapon". This is no different than a man being charged with more serious crimes because he beat up a woman. Most women are not capable of defending themselves against a grown man. The fact you are arguing for equality in this instance is incredibly pathetic.
What a bunch of women haters. I'm going to have to share this with the feminist blogs out there.

seems fair..

7' tall neanderthal punches woman in the face. But this shouldn't be newsworthy because she is his equal.. right? Hmmm...

Not only do you hate women you hate tall people?

But really, how does it feel to know that when you read that story I was the first thing you thought about? Is that how pathetic your little life is, that you rushed over to HN to talk crap to some random guy you've never even met?

You must be a real winner.
It was on the front page of Espn. I thought it seemed relevant here since we only had this discussion yesterday. I guess if that makes me a loser than so be it. Keep posting, you are making yourself look great in this thread!
Imagine how I must feel knowing that a group of people I've never met may think poorly of me. I will surely cry myself to sleep tonight.

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