way to many, has the Thanksgivng holidays started for the students?
I don't think we're getting the word out that we're back.
I have one more class before break, but I also have a paper due tomorrow night that I'm working on during the game. Most students actually have a lot going on today with tests and papers.
Agreed. I had a test this morning and have a paper due tomorrow. But I just turned in my paper early so that I can skip my one class tomorrow and not miss any of the games at the Dome.
I have one more class before break, but I also have a paper due tomorrow night that I'm working on during the game. Most students actually have a lot going on today with tests and papers.
what is your major, u?
I'm going for Pre-pharmacy right now. Not sure if it's where I'll end up, though.
You like chemistry, do you?
Good luck to you, whichever path you choose.
All you students with your worries and academic prowess.
I went an entire semester without buying books...
And look at me now! I'm a CEO, just like JD.
in your case, "CEO" stands for "Cocky, Eccentric, Odoriferous"