Looking for 1 ticket for Wisconsin


Well-Known Member
Reached at 612-203-9967 or joel.d.goerdt@sherwin.com

I have a ticket and now just looking for 1 for my 11 year old son. Not going to pay an arm and a leg. Fair price any help would be appreciated.

Driving down day of the game from Minnesota. Have family in corralville if need to get prior to my arrival or I can meet up..

After seeing all of the ticket threads of people trying to make money off of this team.... it is excellent to see a dad be able to take his young son to a game for a very reasonable price.

Weird how sometimes the smallest things makes me feel good... at least with Kinnick rocking this weekend, this kid will be a lifer.
I just want to say Thank You again!! My son is super excited, like I told you in the e-mail you made is day..:)

Kudo's to you.
