Look for some subtle but game-turning calls next couple weeks


Well-Known Member
I just feel The Committee is DYING for us to lose. But...so is the Rose Bowl AND the Citrus Bowl. Those two want Michigan BAD. A 13-0 Iowa team is one thing, but a 12-1 Iowa team is "by-passable". But an Iowa team with TWO losses is EASILY a team they can pass on.

Look for us to lose two games...and not necessarily because of being "outplayed" or "injuries catching up". Just a bad feeling after a presentation I heard, followed by a conversation I had, this afternoon.
I just feel The Committee is DYING for us to lose. But...so is the Rose Bowl AND the Citrus Bowl. Those two want Michigan BAD. A 13-0 Iowa team is one thing, but a 12-1 Iowa team is "by-passable". But an Iowa team with TWO losses is EASILY a team they can pass on.

Look for us to lose two games...and not necessarily because of being "outplayed" or "injuries catching up". Just a bad feeling after a presentation I heard, followed by a conversation I had, this afternoon.

I knew that dang ole magic bullet had some turns left in it . Wow. Just wow.
Ok...so what you are saying is that the referees have already started screwing us before the games are even played. I'm willing to bet they are together right now planning the whole thing. I just turned off the lights in my office so no one from the outside can see me.

Now, I'm kind of with you because I don't think Oswald acted alone either. No way. What's the first thing he said as they were parading him through the Dallas Police Station..."I'm just a patsy". Now if you had a cause or killed Kennedy for some political reason, would he say, "that was for the Bay of Pigs"...or something along those lines. Just saying.
Wow, this is so high on the conspiracy theory level. Now the OP is old like me and I know he has seen a whole lot of crazy bad officiating calls or non-calls over the years.

In 1981 at Mich a hawk wide receiver was called for holding on a short TD run when he was 40 yards away from the play on the opposite side of the field. The hawks kicked the field goal but we all thought that call was going to lose the game.
Dayum, that is some Cyclown-grade conspiracy isht. Barta better call for a preemptive press conference tomorrow morning.
Since we have Big10 officials, and the Big10 set the schedules up; most likely setting Iowa and Wisconsin up to be successful. I'll disregard your theory.
I just feel The Committee is DYING for us to lose. But...so is the Rose Bowl AND the Citrus Bowl. Those two want Michigan BAD. A 13-0 Iowa team is one thing, but a 12-1 Iowa team is "by-passable". But an Iowa team with TWO losses is EASILY a team they can pass on.

Look for us to lose two games...and not necessarily because of being "outplayed" or "injuries catching up". Just a bad feeling after a presentation I heard, followed by a conversation I had, this afternoon.

Yeah, President Roosevelt & upper echelon government officials knew all about the Japanese plans, but they permitted the Pearl Harbor attack to bring the U.S. into the War.

Further, just because your paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you.
I just feel The Committee is DYING for us to lose. But...so is the Rose Bowl AND the Citrus Bowl. Those two want Michigan BAD. A 13-0 Iowa team is one thing, but a 12-1 Iowa team is "by-passable". But an Iowa team with TWO losses is EASILY a team they can pass on.

Look for us to lose two games...and not necessarily because of being "outplayed" or "injuries catching up". Just a bad feeling after a presentation I heard, followed by a conversation I had, this afternoon.

I agree with your theory. It is very easy for refs to have an impact on a game. Drive killing holding penalties or drive sustaining pass interferences are easy to call.throw in a personal penalty. I have seen it in high school fb.The reason Iowa doesn't get any respect is that we have not earned it with consistency. Until we string together consective seasons of excellence we are going to be the red headed step child by the national media and powers that be that would love to see the Michigans and Alabamas in their bowls.
I think some of you have forgotten the sole reason bowl games are played... MONEY.

These bowl committees would be salivating over a 1 or 2 loss Iowa team and their 30,000 to 40,000 traveling fans.
The conspiracy will only happen in the Big 10'title game if Iowa were to drop one of these games in the regular season.

Boy would the conference hate a 1 loss Iowa team winning the game in Indy thus probably keeping any B1G ream from the College Football Playoff.
I dont think college refs make bad calls on purpose to help a team but rather I think some are just really bad. some cant spot where the ball is down at, some dont know holding by a wide receiver on a dback, some let dbacks mug receivers, whatever.
I will continue to watch the refs closely. After what they did to Iowa last season I believe that they can not be trusted. Even the BSU win was terribly called, overturned td catch, obvious missed targeting and PI calls. The clown game was a complete work over against Iowa. So far this year the officiating has been better but not perfect. We will see if they have it in for Iowa or not. However for the rest of the regular season this team just might be good enough to win games by a large enough margin to put it out if range for the refs to work Iowa over.
Ok...so what you are saying is that the referees have already started screwing us before the games are even played. I'm willing to bet they are together right now planning the whole thing. I just turned off the lights in my office so no one from the outside can see me.

Now, I'm kind of with you because I don't think Oswald acted alone either. No way. What's the first thing he said as they were parading him through the Dallas Police Station..."I'm just a patsy". Now if you had a cause or killed Kennedy for some political reason, would he say, "that was for the Bay of Pigs"...or something along those lines. Just saying.

I think I see Jack Ruby lurking in the shadows.
Ok...so what you are saying is that the referees have already started screwing us before the games are even played. I'm willing to bet they are together right now planning the whole thing. I just turned off the lights in my office so no one from the outside can see me.

Now, I'm kind of with you because I don't think Oswald acted alone either. No way. What's the first thing he said as they were parading him through the Dallas Police Station..."I'm just a patsy". Now if you had a cause or killed Kennedy for some political reason, would he say, "that was for the Bay of Pigs"...or something along those lines. Just saying.

No, not saying that. I just think that we won't get any breaks, and any excuse to give us a loss won't pass by. I realize it sounds "whack". But the program/talk I heard today hacked me off...
No, not saying that. I just think that we won't get any breaks, and any excuse to give us a loss won't pass by. I realize it sounds "whack". But the program/talk I heard today hacked me off...

Give details. Unless you are making this up.