Long line for autographs for 1985 team


Well-Known Member
At the Hawk trade show and the line is long for people waiting to get autographs of the 1985 team. I love everything Hawkeye!
Cripes, I was in school with every one of those guys, saw most of them every day. Would you like MY autograph, too? ;):D:)
Lucky you! I don't think they were in any of my classes when I was here...no hunks that I recall. How's your 'Larry Station' sig?
No, haven't found anyone yet. We are going to take our chances and buy a couple more tickets. If they are too expensive I'll keep one kid and my husband will take one and hang out at our tailgate spot in the parking lot outside the stadium. You have a different suggestion?
No, haven't found anyone yet. We are going to take our chances and buy a couple more tickets. If they are too expensive I'll keep one kid and my husband will take one and hang out at our tailgate spot in the parking lot outside the stadium. You have a different suggestion?

Im sure your husband would suggest that you hang out be the car and let him go to the game :)
Had to spend almost the entire hour waiting to get to the table, but I got all of 'em. Eddy P was signing at another booth, so I got his signature too. All in all a pretty good day on my day off from classes.
Had to spend almost the entire hour waiting to get to the table, but I got all of 'em. Eddy P was signing at another booth, so I got his signature too. All in all a pretty good day on my day off from classes.

I don't know who all was here but I got eight autographs...will have to check later to see who they were. Chatted with Larry Station...what I nice guy....and nice looking!