List of AAU schools by conference


Well-Known Member
Since you can't stop the freight train of expansion talk, and the question of AAU membership is closely linked to all of this, I thought it would be useful to organize the list of AAU schools with major football programs by conference.

Thanks are due to Chancellor Palpatine, whose link to the AAU site in another thread gave me the idea to do this.

Big Ten
All 11 schools are AAU members.

Colorado, Iowa State, Kansas, Mizzou, Nebraska, Texas, Texas A&M

Big East
Pitt, Rutgers, Syracuse

Pac 10
Arizona, Cal, Oregon, Stanford, UCLA, USC, Washington

Duke, Georgia Tech, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia

Florida, Vanderbilt

Buffalo, Rice, Tulane

If a school is not on this list, its candidacy for Big Ten expansion diminishes dramatically. However the Big Ten's continued interest in non-AAU member Notre Dame shows that this is not an absolute litmus test for conference officials.
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Good job. That will make things clearer for a lot of people.

I have been saying for a awhile that I see Nebby, Mizzou, Kansas, Maryland, Virginia, and Rutgers as the best fits. This also makes the ACC schools look a little more realistic. They could loose Maryland and Virginia to us and pick up Syracuse and Pitt to take their place as AAU members.
Good, my young apprentice. Now, take that list, and look at US News' list of best colleges. Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report Remember to think like a Big Ten president:

4 Stanford
10 Duke
17 Rice
17 Vanderbilt
21 Cal
24 Virginia
26 USC
28 North Carolina
35 Georgia Tech
42 Washington
47 Florida
47 Texas
50 Tulane
53 Maryland
56 Pitt
58 Syracuse
61 Texas A&M
66 Rutgers
77 Colorado
88 Iowa State
96 Kansas
96 Nebraska
102 Arizona
102 Mizzou
115 Oregon
121 Buffalo
1. Membership in the AAU is NOT a requirement to be in the Big 10.

2. Not being in the AAU wasn't a problem in inviting Notre Dame in 1999, so why would it be a problem now?
Is a better fit a higher ranked institution Pitt/Syracuse or a Big State University Mizzou, Nebby, Kansas?

Also, what does Syracuse get counted as? Is it a City school ala Pitt, Cincy, Louisville, or us it the Big state school of New York?
The big ten is nearly (Northwestern) all massive state schools with huge enrollments. And currently all schools are AAU members. So Notre Dame is perfect.

I've been to a bunch of different campuses. I'd say Columbus is the most urban campus in the Big Ten and it doesn't even compare to a school like Pitt. While Syracuse is barely urban and yet manages to pull off that old ivy league'esque vibe.
83Hawk, look at the Emperor's link. ND is ranked 20th in the country. Also, the Big Ten can sweeten it's offer to bring in Notre Dame by getting all of the universities on board to help it get fast-tracked for AAU status. The ND academics would do back flips.