Lineup next year?


Well-Known Member
We have a lot of guys back obviously, but lose Jansen at 165 and Lofthouse at 197. Who is going to replace them? What about 149? Are we going to be stronger their next year?

I know Penn St has a lot of young guys, how are they going to look?
this is penn states 2 lose the next few years the hawks dont seem to have that finishing fire they had under gable:eek:
this is penn states 2 lose the next few years the hawks dont seem to have that finishing fire they had under gable:eek:

LOL, give me a break man. Spend more than 3 minutes watching Iowa wrestling before making such ridiculous statements.
Would it be surprising to see montell at 149 next year? I think the young guys will keep getting better with experience. Cael has shown that he is really good at couching teams to under perform, so I would not be surprised if his young guys dont show real growth in their years. He is a great at recruiting top talent but not so good at coaching it. I wish we could get him as an assistant mainly for recruiting and then have brands there to coach them into insain athletes.
197-Cayle Byers (transfer from GW)
125 - Ramos
133 - McD
141 - Marion
149 - Carew
157 - Nick Moore/Michael Kelly
165 - DSJ (he's not going 157)
174 - E Lofthouse/ Mike Evans
184 - Grant Gambrall
197 - Byers
HWT - Rasing/ Telford

DSJ isn't going 157 again

And I wouldn't be surprised if McD stayed 125 and Ramos stayed 133. 125 is WIDE open next year, Ramos or McD could be the front runner to win it all at that weight.
125 - Ramos
133 - McD
141 - Marion
149 - Carew
157 - Nick Moore/Michael Kelly
165 - DSJ (he's not going 157)
174 - E Lofthouse/ Mike Evans
184 - Grant Gambrall
197 - Byers
HWT - Rasing/ Telford

This. If Carew can't get healthy again then I would suspect Jake Ballweg at 149 unless Mike Kelly can make the cut.
I don't see DSJ moving up, he's already slender where he is.

He's slender but he's tall. I don't see him being at 157 again. He's going to continue to get stronger and grow into his frame. If he does cut to make 157 again next year, I think he'd be robbing himself of his full potential.
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I don't see DSJ moving up, he's already slender where he is.

exactly he is very slender. need to put on a lot more muscle. so i see him noving up. to be honest i clould see grant and lofthouse moving up. the first thing i noticed when i saw our team this year is that we all looked tall and lean for our weight and need to put on muscle.
I've always felt that DSJ could end up at 174 by his senior year, I still think that too.

He's built like a smaller Jaybo right now
125- McD- I think he finishes his career at 125 and will be very dominate the next 2 years at this weight class. If he does move up and Oliver is still at 133. McD will struggle with his quickness like he did Robles' strenghth

133- Ramos- This kid has so much upside and with a summer of bulking up to be a full 133 pounder Tony will come back next year looking to prove that he belongs with the top 133's in the nation.

141- Marion- No doubt in my mind he will find his way past Russell at sometime in his career and I hope its on the big stage next year in St. Louis.

149- Carew/M Ballweg/J Ballweg - Carew is probally the front runner if he can recover from his surgery. Dont know what to expect from this weight class but I think Hawks will be improved no matter who it is.

157- DSJ - I dont think that he struggled with weight this year and he is probably done growing at this point.

165- Kelly/Nick Moore - I saw Kelly in Philly and didnt even recoginize him until someone said his name, this kid has put on slot of muscle since high school and these two will only make each other stronger the next 3 years.

174- Lofthouse/Evans - Not sure what to think here again, whoever gets the spot here will be fine in the lineup and will have to stay consistant or the other will take his spot.

184- Gambrall - I know Grant has been taking alot of heat this year for some of his performances but if he didnt wrestle to a third place finish we are not in the top 5 this year. Grant will have to dedicate himself to the weights this offseason though to add the size need to compete with the strongest 184's.

197- Byers - I have no information on him at this time. But I dont see a dropoff from Uncle Luke.

Hwt- Rasing/Telford
125 - Ramos
133 - McD
141 - Marion
149 - Carew
157 - Nick Moore/Michael Kelly
165 - DSJ (he's not going 157)
174 - E Lofthouse/ Mike Evans
184 - Grant Gambrall
197 - Byers
HWT - Rasing/ Telford

This is the line-up I think we will see next year. I think Blake owns the HWT spot though.

My dream line-up is:
125 - McD/Ramos
133 - McD/Ramos
141 - Marion
149 - Carew...Kelly if Carew is not 100%. I think Kelly can make this weight.
157 - St. John
165 - Lofthouse
174 - Evans
184 - Gambrall
197 - Byers
HWT - Rasing
my 2 cents worth:
125-133, McD and Ramos, which ever weight McD wants. Personally I would like to see Ramos at 125 because of his height.
141-MM period, just learn to wrestle when your ahead { at least get into a controlled tie up postion to protect your legs}, you give great effort when your behind.
149 Jake Ballweg, Carew, Diawza {sp}
157- kelly / Moore
165- St. Jonh- much like M* will have more stamina at 165.
174-184- Evans, then the other two will fight it out for the other spot.
197- Byers, unless Gambrall bulks up
HWT-Telford, backed up by Raising. No take downs in 3 matches. Need more offense at HWT.
my 2 cents worth:
125-133, McD and Ramos, which ever weight McD wants. Personally I would like to see Ramos at 125 because of his height.
141-MM period, just learn to wrestle when your ahead { at least get into a controlled tie up postion to protect your legs}, you give great effort when your behind.
149 Jake Ballweg, Carew, Diawza {sp}
157- kelly / Moore
165- St. Jonh- much like M* will have more stamina at 165.
174-184- Evans, then the other two will fight it out for the other spot.
197- Byers, unless Gambrall bulks up
HWT-Telford, backed up by Raising. No take downs in 3 matches. Need more offense at HWT.

Do you guys seriously think that Evans is ahead of Lofthouse and Gambrall right now?? He should be a very good wrestler but remember who he wrestled this year. Ethan and Grant have been through the grind of entire season and have proven that they can hang with the big boys in the nation! Evans might make the lineup next year but at this point to say that 1 spot should be his and let the others duke it out is crazy...
i think evans will be in the lineup, i dont see how he wont pass one of those 2 up by next year, more than likely ethen. ethen had one win over an all american (letts) ,who he lost to at ncaas. potential bonus pts from evans will be the deciding factor imo
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