Let's take a step back


Well-Known Member
Not that comparing ourselves to other programs is the end all be all way of looking at things but as the cliché goes "It can always be worse". You don't have to look far or hard to see that's true. Nebraska... I mean where's their program at/going? Tennessee is ripping apart at the seems. They are the new Texas. Great recruiting classes but can't beat anybody. I'm sure I can rattle off a few more less drastic examples but you get my point. Nobody is happy with where we are. There's plenty of room to improve. But I'm not going to jump up and down calling for KFs head either. It wasn't like the expectations for this season was the Rose Bowl or playoffs. A lot of folks thought 6-8 wins was what they'd get up to. I was more optimistic at 9 but I'm rarely right about anything. I'm not going grabbing any pitch forks if we don't get 8 or 9 wins with this group. I think in a year or two that young Oline (Jackson and Wirfs as the pillars) along with Stanley and young receiving group will only get better. I'm willing to see that progression even if it's a tad slower than some seem to be expecting.

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